Warm Up:
2 Rounds:
2mins Run(400)-Bike-Row
1x Burgener warm-up With Empty Bar
10 Thrusters With Empty Bar
10 Ring Rows
10 Sit-ups

10 Minute Emom to warm up, build up to a good working weight for the wod.
EMOM as a class
1 Cluster
1 extra push press before putting the bar down
** Add weight to work up to your weight for the wod

Cluster 135/95 ((Video Posted Below)) INT-115/75 BEG-95/55
Pull-up or Progression If doing Ring Rows Follow 18-15-12 Reps
–Coaches Notes–
For those who can spot it this workout is very “Fran-ish” so you already have an idea of how to pace yourself or how you’ll attack the reps. Only little kicker is the Cluster, make sure you pick that moderately heavy weight that you can still find that pace to do sets of multiple reps. The workout should take anywhere from around 9 to less than 15 minutes. Again the weight should be moderately heavy for the day.

**Optional Accessory Work**
Option 1:
20-40 Each Leg
Option 2:
Bent Over Row-Barbell or DB
4×8(If using DB do 8 EACH arm)
Option 3:
Banded Hamstring Curls((Video Posted Below))
The Video shows her band connected to a KB but you can attach it to the rig pole.You also don’t have to use a bench, that is just another progression of the movement if you’d like to try.

Warm Up:
5 Rounds:
50m run (increasing pace each round)
10 m High Knees
10 m Butt Kicks
5 Jumping Air Squats
4 Inchworms

Back Squat 2-3-5-10-2-3-5-10
These UNBROKEN sets can be done with 55-75% of you 1rm.
But using the SAME weight for all of your sets.

Each for time:
Run: 6x 400 m
Rest as needed between. TRY to keep it to a 1:1 rest to avoid getting cold
If you need to sub the run do 6x500m Row or 6x .75m Bike
–Coaches Notes–
DON’T SKIP CARDIO DAY!!! Those who say they “aren’t good at running” this is a perfect chance to improve the weakness like any other skill or movement we use in the gym. These repeats should take anywhere from around 1:30 or less to trying to keep them ALL under 2 minutes. Aim to keep your times about the same as you go through the sets.
**Optional Accessory Work**
Option 1:
HEAVY Farmers Carry
Using HEAVY DBs or KBs work 50m at a time for 3 sets. Since these should be heavy make sure to keep your shoulders back and chest up as you carry these.
Options 2:
Double Under Practice
4 to 7 Minutes
If you are efficient at doubles try going for max sets. If you are working on stringing them together take the time to go through sets of single-single-double etc.. trying to work the singles out.

Holly from the 5am requested the Air Force wod from the 2010 games to show support for her daughter who is currently in Air Force basic training with her squadron.
Holly would like to show that her mom and others are thinking about the entire squadron while they are away.
You can partner up for this or go solo. Takes a lot of picturew, we will be taking pictures too and Holly is going to send them over to her daughter letting her know we did this wod for them!
**** If you are going teams do 40 reps of each movement per team and both partners do 4 burpees on the top of each minutes
****Wod starts with 4 burpees

  • For Time
  • 20 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
  • 20 Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls (95/65 lbs)
  • 20 Push Jerks (95/65 lbs)
  • 20 Overhead Squats (95/65 lbs)
  • 20 Front Squats (95/65 lbs)
  • 4 Burpees at the top of each minute

Do 4 burpees every minute, including at the start of the WOD, before continuing the barbell work. Athlete is allowed to move to the next barbell skill once an he/she has completed all 20 reps of the previous barbell movement. Athlete is allowed to move to the next barbell skill once an he/she has completed all 20 reps of the previous movement. If the minute clock beeps during a repetition the athlete will complete their rep and then start their 4 burpees.

8am Endurance:
Option 1: Partners, you go I go, 20 Rounds of rowing, 45 seconds on, 15 second transition, then switch
Rest 5 Minutes
8 minutes max bike cals between partners, switch anytime, 5 burpees both partners while switching

Option 2: Run 45 minutes for distance.

9am Mobility

10am Class Workout Partners
3 Rounds:
25 Power Cleans 115/80 INT-105/70 BEG-95/55
40 Double Unders or Singles
25 Push Jerks 115/80 INT-105/70 BEG-95/55
40 Double Unders
Wod 2- split the rope climbs, run together
8 Rope Climbs or 12 Rope Pulls
400m Run Together
6 Rope Climbs or 10 Rope Pulls
400m Run Together
4 Rope Climbs or 8 Rope Pulls
400m Run together
2 Rope Climbs or 6 Rope Pulls
400m Run together
1 Rope Climb or 4 Rope Pulls
400m Run run together
Wod 3- Split the work however you want
2 Rounds:
50 Sit-ups
30/30 Row Calories
25 Front Squats 155/105 INT-135/95 BEG-105/75

Warm Up:
4mins Run-Bike-Row
3 Rounds:
200 m shuttle run (2x 100m)
10m High Knees
10m Butt Kicks
10 Jumping Air Squats
30 Seconds Rest

Every 3mins for 30 minutes:
12/8 Assault Bike Calories
–Coaches Notes–
We had the rower sprints earlier this week now we get to sprint on the bike. All of these sets should be around 20-30 seconds if not less, really focus on keeping your times close to each other. We will stagger start some people if we have to just so everyone can get on a bike. Keep your hands and feet working for these sets and driving hard with both the whole time.

**Optional Accessory Work**
Option 1:
Work to 30-50 Reps
Option 2:
Dead Bar Hang
Build to 2 to 3 Minutes
Option 3:
Ring Support
Build to 1 to 2 Minutes

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