Time for some Olympic Lifting!
*Weight vest Wednesday will be back next week
Is learning the snatch going to make or break your fitness? Probably not, but it will certainly help you learn to generate power, move quicker, be more flexible, have better balance and be more coordinated in general.

General warm up
2 rounds (down the length of the floor and back for each movement)
Side step squats
Butt kicks
High knees
20 Pass throughs in place with PVC

3 rounds (12 Minute) barbell warm up
Minute 1- 5 snatch grip high pulls
Minute 2 – 5 power position power snatch
Minute 3- 5 hang position power snatch
Minute 4- 5 from the shin plus overhead squat
*you can add very light weight if you want to

15 minutes to build to a heavy 2 rep snatch, power or squat- you can reset between the 2 lifts, but no more than 15 seconds rest between the two reps.
*coach will start a clock for this. not necessarily going for a two rep max since this is only 15 minutes, you are trying for heavy quality reps

10 Minute Amrap
5 power snatches 115/75 scale to 95/65 or 75/45
7 toes to bar or knee raises
7 Burpees over you bar

Coaches notes- Pick a weight on you power snatches where you can touch and go just about every round. Don’t let that RX weight get the best of your mind. You will get a far better workout if you pick a weight that you are able to go 5 unbroken reps with rather than staring at a bar.
-Choose the toes to bar variation that lets you get through them quick. Still working towards being on the bar, do sit ups
-burpees over the bar, also choose a variation that isnt going to slow you down, If getting over the bar quick is taking intensity away from the workout, don’t jump over your bar, just do regular burpees!

***Accessory work- accumulate 400 meters of overhead carries with a light plate

Warm Up:
2 Rounds:
1 min Run(200m)-Bike-Row (Increase pace each round)
7 Leg Swings Each Leg
7 Squat Therapy Reps
7 Scap Pull Ups
7 Push-Ups

Strength/skill quality today, dont work over 70 percent
10 Minutes Emom
2 front squats **add weight each two rounds to reach a weight that is pretty far over your working weight for the wod.

Front Squat 115/85 INT-95/65 BEG-75/55 *set starts off the floor
Bar Muscle-up
***INT-C2B Pull Ups Or Progression
For pull up progressions we are going to do something a little different. Do your pull up or ring row then for the “dip” part of the movement perform overhead tricep extensions with a dumbbell.
–Coaches Notes–
This workout should have a little different intent behind it. As well as working through the movements as fast as you can try being aware of the quality of reps as well. With the front squat being lighter you can really focus on your form. The muscle ups or progression you decide to use can be done in small sets to assure your form or rep sets are at a good number. For those two more advanced bodyweight movements pick a progression that can get this workout done under 15 minutes or close to it. Those going for the RX versions of each aim for keeping it under 8 minutes.

**Optional Accessory Work**
Option 1:
Side Plank
Build to 2 Minutes Each Side
Option 2:
Hollow Hold
Build to 3 Minutes
Option 3:

Warm Up:
3 Min Run(600m)-Bike-Row
3 Rounds:
10 Walking Lunges
5 Empty Bar SDLHP
5 Med Ball Cleans
7 Empty Bar Power Clean + Push Press

5 Rounds:
12 Deadlifts 155/105 INT-135/95 BEG-95/65
9 Hang Power Cleans, 155/105 INT-135/95 BEG-95/65
6 Push Jerks, 155/105 INT-135/95 BEG-95/65
In honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on February, 20 2009 supporting operations in OEF when his vehicle was struck by an IED. Timothy is survived by his wife Megan and son T.J.
–Coaches Notes–
If you haven’t had the chance to do this hero workout before you may want to scale the weight for the first time. These movements will feel different with the weight that is prescribed. It should be a light deadlift, a moderate weight Hang Power Clean, and a heavier Overhead Press. With only having one barbell the weight should hit all 3 of those “feels”. The weight should help keep the workout taking around 9 to 15 minutes.

**Optional Accessory Work**
Option 1:
Pause Clean Deadlift
Pause 3 Seconds At The Top Of The Lift
Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.
Option 2:
Banded Hamstring Curls
Option 3:
Band Pull Aparts
Use a blue or green band for these and control the movement both ways.

With A Partner Split Reps Any Way
3 Rounds:
40 Wall Balls 20/14
30 Pull-ups
20 Hang Power Cleans 135/95 INT-115/75 BEG-95/55
**Non Working Partner Holds A Slamball**
Rest 5 Minutes
Weighted step ups 35/20
Handstand Push-up INT-Extra Mat Progression BEG-DB Strict Press
Toes-to-bar INT-Leg Raises BEG-Knee Raises
**Non Working Partner Holds A Slamball**
Rest 5 Minutes
For time:
50 Squat Snatches 135/95 INT-115/75 BEG-95/55
**Non Working Partner Holds A Slamball**

8am Endurance: Rain edition
Classic parther row
20 Minutes
10 rounds each-
45 seconds on 15 second transition, next partner goes
Rest 5 minutes
Not so classic partner bike
16 minutes
30 seconds on, 30 second transition, next partner goes

9am Mobility with Coach Alison

10am Class Workout: Partners
4 Rounds:
8 Power Cleans 205/145 INT-175/115 BEG-125/85
8 Front Squats 205/145 INT-175/115 BEG-125/85
8 Shoulder-to-Overheads 205/145 INT-175/115 BEG-125/85
Rest 5 Minutes
Bike Calorie
Chest-to-bar Pull-Up INT-Any Other Progression BEG-Ring Rows
Rest 5 Minutes
5 Rounds
50 Walking Lunge, split 25 and 25
8 Bar Muscle-ups INT-C2B Pull Up or Other Progression BEG-Ring Row

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