Warm Up:
4 Minute Run(800m)-Bike-Row
3 Rounds
10 Squat Therapy Reps
10 Empty Bar Glute Bridge
6 Empty Bar Kang Squats
10 Sit-Ups or Hollow Rocks
** you are still feeling tight from Mondays workout make sure to get some extra stretching in before class or as much as you can before the workout. Get on the bike for a bit maybe and then stretch or roll out the areas that are still sore. BECAUSE this workout will need your legs to be ready to go.

You will have time to build to your working weight

For Time:
400m Run
15 Back Squats 225/155 INT-185/125 BEG-135/95
400m Run
12 Back Squats 225/155 INT-185/125 BEG-135/95
400m Run
9 Back Squats 225/155 INT-185/125 BEG-135/95

–Coaches Notes–
Taking into consideration how your legs feel pick a weight that DOES NOT feel like you’re trying to max out every rep. Yes there should be a moderate amount of weight on your bar but nothing to push you to failure due to weight. The workout should take anywhere from 10 to 15 minutes so let that help decide your weight as well. Take your time getting into your squats from the run, you don’t have to rush to them or through them. Your rep count does go down through the WOD so keep consistent working sets the whole time.

Optional Accessory Work:
Option 1:
Sled Push
Try to rest 1:1 with keeping the weight lighter, NOT empty but lighter.

Option 2:
Strict Pull Ups
4 sets of MAX reps
If you’d like you can use a tempo instead for 4×10 reps
Explode Up- 5 Second Pause at top- 9 Second Down- 2 Second Hold at Bottom

Warm Up:
3 Rounds:
7 Burpees
8 Leg Swings Each Leg
8 Lateral Jumps
8 Empty Bar Power Snatches
8 Empty Bar Clean and Jerks

8 Minutes power snatch emom- this is meant to be technique work and help you warm up for the workout
3 Per minutes, end a little heavier than the weight you are picking for the workout

3 Rounds
10 Ground-to-Overheads 95/65 INT-75/45 BEG-55/35
200m Shuttle Run (4x 50 m)
–Coaches Notes–
If you noticed the first movement is just listed as “Ground to Overhead”, so as it sounds anyway you’d like to get it from the ground to locked out overhead is your choice. You can go with a clean and jerk or snatches for the workout, best way to decide is to see if that weight is heavy or light for you to move. If it is light then snatch might go quicker, if it is a little heavy maybe the clean and jerk is better. You could also just decide to work on one or the other. Whichever you pick the workout should stay under 8 minutes.

Optional Accessory Work:
Option 1:
Candlestick Conditioning for 5 Minutes or 40 Candlestick Burpees
((The video below shows some progressions for the burpees))

Option 2:
Sotts Press ((Video Posted Below))
Stay light with this movement, especially if you’ve never done them.

Warm Up:
20 Cal Bike or 400m Run
2 Rounds:
5 Empty Bar Good Morning
5 Hand Release Push Ups
5 Empty Bar Power Cleans
5 Empty Bar Front Squats
5 Empty Bar Push Press

Take a few minutes to build up to your working back squat weight
7 Min EMOM
3 Back Squats

7 Rounds, Each For Time:
7/5 Row Calories
7 Busters 50/35 INT-35/25 BEG-25/15 ((VIDEO BELOW))
7/5 Row Calories
Rest 2 mins between each round.
–Coaches Notes–
BUSTERS ARE BACK!!! Who is excited?! I know you all are. We are kicking this week off with some good old fashioned fast pace work. I am talking no more than 3 minutes PER ROUND fast. For most of you that 2 minute rest will be longer than you are working so it should be plenty of time to recover and keep each round at a similar time. If you’d like to bike instead of row you’ll do the same rep counts of 7/5, Running is NOT an option 🙂 .

Optional Accessory Work:
Option 1:
Bottoms Up KB Carry

Option 2:
Floor Press
Either with a barbell or DBs
Use a weight that you won’t have to break the 8 reps up

Warm Up:
Find A Partner
500m Row (250 Each)
10 Synchro Air Squats
10 I Go You Go Burpees
10 Box Step Ups
10 Push Ups

With a partner split the reps as you’d like to complete:
5 Rounds:
9 Thrusters 115/75 INT-95/55 BEG- 75/35
1 Legless Rope Climb INT-Rope Climb With Legs BEG-3 Low Rope Pulls
Rest 5 Minutes
3 Rounds:
21 Box Jumps 24/20 INT-Step Ups BEG-20/18
15 Synchro Sit Ups
10m Handstand Walk INT-5m Walk BEG-10m Bear Crawl
Rest 5 Minutes
For time:
80 Wall Balls 20/14
800m Run Together

We interrupt our regularly schedule wods to take everyone outside. It’s too nice to be inside.

8am Endurance:
Option 1-
5k test run. Yes it’s been a little while but use this to see where you at in your running.
One month of 5k training begins, do this if you are interested in running the roar through Ybor on Friday April 17th. Link to sign up is here.

Option 2-Row 5000 meters. Stop every 500m and do 10 burpees

9am Mobility

10am Workout: 40 minute cap. time to get your tan on.
Partner Workout- equipment will be outside
Chipper. Split work however you want!
100 Cal row
100 single arm DB hang clean jerk 5 one arm, 5 the other arm, then switch partners)
100M Farmer carry
100/80 Cal bike
100 Single arm DB hang snatch, (5 one arm, 5 the other arm then switch partners)
100 Slam balls
100 M farmer carry
100 Burpees
100 air squats
100m Farmer carry

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