Do one workout or do both!

Running Wod-
2x200m with a minute rest between
1x800m with a 3 minutes rest
1x 1 mile with a 4 minutes rest
1x800m with a 3 minutes rest
2x200m with a minutes rest

Run 800m
30 Dumbbell hang clean and jerk (switch every 5 reps)
75 Lunges no weight
100 Doubles or singles or jumping jacks
75 lunges no weight
30 Dumbbell hang Clean and jerks (switch every 5 reps)
Run 800m

Barbell Wod
Run 800m
15 hang Clean and jerks 135/95
75 lunges no weight
100 doubles
75 lunges no weight
15 hang clean and jerks
Run 800

How do you measure progress, test and retest!

************90 seconds rest between rounds

Let’s see how you do on this repeat workout
For the warm up get out and move for 5 minutes. any cardio then do 1 very slow round of this workout

No strength! Get after it, treat this like a crossfit open workout.

10 Rounds
10 Alternating DB snatches
100M sprint ***Rain option 10 Tuck jumps
10 Burpees
Rest 90 Seconds

Barbells Version
10 rounds
5 Snathes 95/65
100m Sprint
10 Burpees
Rest 90 seconds

Start today off with a short run- 5 minutes, stop every minute and do 10 airsquats

Then go into this run workout
7 sets of 200m sprints with a minute rest between. These won’t be an all out sprint… especially on the last few sets but keep the pace ups
*Not everyone loves running, thats ok, run these 200’s a little faster than you would in regular CrossFit workout. The idea is to get you used to pushing a little harder on your runs during workouts, we aren’t trying to make you marathon runners.

Take time to recover then get into this wod

10 Minutes Amrap
10 Deadlifts with single or double dumbells, or 10 barbell deadlifts at a little heavier weight if you have it 185/125
30 Doulbes or jumping jacks

Rest 5 Minutes
10 Minutes Amrap
10 Goblet sqauats with one dumbbell or 10 light barbell squats (if you only have heavy weights change the reps to 5)
30 Doubles or jumping jacks

Extra core work
3 Rounds
33 Sit ups
33 Russian twists
33 candlesticks as high as you can get feet

Warm up
3 rounds
100 m run
10 squats with a one second hold at the bottom
10 push ups

Front squats, dumbbell or barbell
5 sets, reps will depend on weight you have heavier weight go for lower reps like 5 or 7, lighter weights 10-12 reps

Wod- Barbell version
5 rounds for time
Run 200 Meters
6 Power Clean and jerks 135/95
10 Burpees over your bar

Wod- Dumbbell Version
5 Rounds for time
Run 200
4 Power clean and jerk Right Arm
4 Power clean and jerk Left arm
10 Burpees over your bar

Warm up-
50 High knees
50 Butt kicks
25 Push ups
25 rows with barbell or dumbbell

Strength- Tempo Superset
Barbell or dumbbell 5 sets of 6 to 10 reps (going for failure) depending on how much weight you have of
Strict press, straight into bent over row (both movements make 1 set)
The tempo for both movement is 3 seconds up 2 second hold, 1 second down. See video below.

and the wod video is here

Wod Cindy at home version
20 minute Amrap
5 pull ups (or barbell or dumbbell row, single dumbbell do 3 each site
10 push ups
15 squats

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