Cardio day yippppeeee. Lets build those motors so we have more endurance in all wods!

Warm up is a 5 minute bike, row or run!

*Makes no difference which order you do this in. Logistics of all wods are not going to be ideal everyday. Important thing is that we are working out and wiping things down. We are a little limited on movements we can do. You safety is our number one concern.

15 Minute Amrap
30 Cal Bike
400 M Run

Rest 5 Minutes **Clean your machine and switch machines with someone.

15 Minute Amrap
30 Cal row
50 meter lunge no weight

**All rowers can be outside

Benchmark wod today

Warm up
3 Rounds
15 pass throughs
15 overhead squat therapy reps on the rig
15 second hold in the bottom of an overhead squat

Take 10 minutes to build up to your oversquat weight that you are going to use for the wod

5 Rounds for time
400m Run
15 Overhead squats 95/65

Extra work- simple and effective
400m Overhead plate carry. rest as needed. concentrate on arms locking out.

Warm up
Barbell Warm up
2 Rounds
Minute 1- 10 Clean Grip high pulls
Minute 2- 10 Power cleans from the hang plus 10 Front squats
Minute 3-10 squat cleans starting at the shin.

Timed strength. 16 minutes. Includes warm up time. Any lift after 20 minutes does not count towards score
16 minutes to find your one rep max of this complex
**Can not put the bar down
1 Power Clean (from the floor no squat)
1 Front squat
2 Hang squat cleans

13 Minutes
6 Hang Power cleans 185/135
10 Push ups
10 pulls ups
15 squats

Keep social distancing! Nobody at anytime should be within 6 feet of each other. Utilize the outside area. Wash and spray your hands often.

Detox Day
Warm up 5 minute of run bike or row

Lets get under some weight to get our legs fired up then get into a long workout to sweat out all that good stuff from the 4th of July

Strength- Back squat
4 sets of 10 at 60 to 65 percent
Shouldnt need too much warm up for this.

Wod- Lets sweat
**Going to post both the bike and rower options in the score section of zenplanner

20 Minute Amrap Rower Option
100 Burpees over your rower
With remaining time row for max calories


20 Minute amrap
100 Burpees over a bar
with remaining time max bike cals.

Gym will be closed today for the Holiday Weekend. See you tomorrow!

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