Sunday Funday…
Be kind to your dumbbells… they are so kind to you.

Wod 1-
8 Minutes
6 Double DB squat clean and jerks from the floor (these are tough)
8 Burpees
10 Chest to bar pull ups

Wod 2
10 Minutes
6 Devil Press
8 dball over shoulder
10 step ups with dball

Wod 3
10 Minutes
6 DB thrusters
8 slam balls
200m run

8am Endurance-
Row and run time
40 cal bike or ski buy in
Row 800, run 800
row 400, run 400 x4 (repeat this sections 4 times
row 800, run 800
40 cal bike or ski cash out

9am and 10 am

6 rounds for time of:
15 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs
8 Kettlebell Swings, 70/53 lbs


21-15-9 reps, for time of:

Rest 5

3 Rounds for time
10 Front squats from the ground 185/135
30 doubles

First 5 minutes of class for the warm up will spent on jump rope working on doubles or triples.
2 Rounds
10 good mornings
8 empty bar deadlifts (4 seconds up, 4 seconds down)
6 Burpees

5 sets of 5 deficit deadlifts standing on a plate, work around 70 percent of your max for all 5 sets

14 Minute Amrap
20 doubles or 40 singles
8 Deadlifts 275/185
6 Burpees over your bar
Run 200

Looks pretty simple right? Whether you have your doubles/rx weight or not this is a really good time to practice pushing yourself on the run. too often we use the run as rest. Just a little extra push on the run can really up your overall fitness and workout scores. Your heart rate will be through the roof when you step outside to run. Control your breathing, don’t hunch over when you run, don’t shuffle your feet. Keep your hips underneath you with a tall chest. At a 200m distance do not allow yourself to walk.

Warm up
3 Rounds
Run 200m
10 Ring rows
10 knee raises

Grab a barbell
2 Rounds
Minute 1- 10 Clean grip high pulls and 10 power position power cleans
Minute 2- 8 power cleans from the knee
Minute 3 4 from the shin, pausing at the knee and the power position PLUS 4 from the shin with no pause

Strength 14 minutes Every other minutes on the minutes
1 High pull
1 Hang pos power clean
2 Power cleans from the floor

4 Rounds For Time
10 Power Cleans 155/115
400m Run
2 Rope climbs

*sub in 6 pull ups and 6 knee raises or toes to bar for rope climbs
*400m run will be enough of a divider to free up the ropes. If all the ropes are taken when you get in, one will open shortly… don’t panic, its not a crisis.

Fran Day.
The most well known bench mark workout in CrossFit. A couple different options.
“Friendly Fran” and regular Fran.
*If you don’t have a baseline time for regular Fran OR you want to beat your old time we would suggest trying regular Fran. It’s a good test of fitness.
*Friendly Fran will be time capped at 12 minutes. It’s a lot of volume meant to be done with intensity. It’s a more advanced version of “Fran”

Warm up-
2 rounds
10 Pass throughs
10 kip swings
10 Squats.
Then grab a barbell
2 rounds
5 Front squats
5 Push press
5 Thrusters FOCUSING on not pressing the bar until hips are at full extension
5 Pull ups (kipping jumping or butterfly

Workout options
21-15-9 Thrusters and pull ups 95/65
Pick a weight where you only have to break the 21 once or not at all. Pick a pull up option that allows you to do the same, 3 sets of 7 would be the most you would want to break that first round.
*this is an excellent workout to test your fitness and help set goals for yourself whether is for a faster times or not scaling pull ups


Friendly Fran

3 Rounds for Time
21 Thrusters (115/85 lb)
21 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

12 minute time cap. If its taking you longer than 2 minutes to complete any set of 21 consider scaling both movements back.

Accessory work

200 Doubles or 5 Mintues practice

3 sets of 7 sots press

3 sets of 10 each arm single arm strict db press

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