Warm up
3 Rounds
5 pull ups
10 Push ups
15 squats
THEN grab a bar and start warming up to that back squat weight

5 sets of 5 back squats at 90 percent of your 5 REP MAX from earlier in the week

Remember its 90 percent of your 5 rep max, not your 1 rep max.

15 Minute EMOM
Minute 1- max intervals of 50 meter shuttle run
Minute 2- 9 thrusters 95/65
Minute 3 3/2 ring muscle ups or 5 pull ups/5 dips
**Score is 1 point for every shuttle run, shuttle run is the only score that counts.
I’ll explain this one a little bit. You need to push yourself on the shuttle run because it’s the only score that counts. The second movement (thrusters) will take 30-40 seconds tops, allowing for a little rest.
The last movement will take 20 seconds tops which will allow for 40 seconds rest, not enough to recover, but enough to catch your breath.

*scaling, scale by weight so you can finish 10 thrusters in about 30 seconds.
Scale to bar muscle ups if you don’t have ring muscle ups, then the pull up/dip combo OR for today…
you can replace the muscle ups with 5 handstand push ups. Yes two different things but you are replacing a higher skill movement with a another high skill movement.

Extra work-
Every 2 Minutes for 10 minutes (5 rounds)
5-10 burpees (start with 10 and scale following rounds to allow yourself some rest
200m run
Full send.. there wont much time to rest. try to use the real 200 mark. Looking for about 30 to seconds rest per round.

Warm up
2 rounds
200M run
10 Power position power cleans
10 At the knee
10 From the shin
10 Push jerks

Take a few minutes get weight onto the bar,
you can weight during the EMOM so start a little lighter. Try to finish heavy!
12 Minutes EMOM strength (4 sets at each movement)
0-4 Minutes 3 Power position power cleans
4-8 Minutes 2 hang power cleans
8-12 minute 1 clean and jerk from the floor

30/25 Cals
20 Hang Cleans 135/95lbs (no jerk)
30 Toes to Bar
Rest 3:00
30/25 Calories
15 power clean and jerks 135/95 (from the floor)
20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Rest 3:00
30/25 Calories
10 Squat Clean And Jerks 135/95 (not a thruster, pause between the clean and jerk)
10 Bar Muscle Ups

Try to keep cals the same no matter how you are scaling. Scale the weightlifting movements by weight.
-Toes to bar sub is knee raises or sit ups
-Chest to bar sub is regular pull ups or banded or jumping pull up
-Muscle up sub go for 10 more pull ups and dips on a bench or dips on the rings.

Extra work for the day-

5 Rounds
50′ Double DB Overhead Walking Lunge
Rest 2:00
Choose a DB weight between 20s and 60s based on your mobility. This is a skill session, so be less concerned with weight and more concerned with being in a good position.

Warm up
Run 200
10 Inch worms plus push ups
15 strict pull ups or variation
10 inch worms plus push up
Run 200

Grab a bar, with a light weight as a class we will go through 3 rounds of tempo deadlifts 3 seconds up, 4 seconds down
12 Minutes EoMOM (6 rounds total)
2 Tempo deadlifts at the above tempo
*work at moderately heavy weight, its only 12 lifts but we don’t do tempo deadlifts that often.

Run 400m
15 DB Clean and Jerks 50s/35s
200m DB Front Rack Carry
Rest 3:00
Run 400m
15 Double DB Snatch 50s/35s
200m DB Farmers Carry
Rest 3:00
Run 400m
15 DB Front Squats 50s/35s
200m DB Overhead Carry

*scaling will vary- if you get to any of the carries, especially overhead, and two dumbbells is too much, scale to 1 DB
*Double DB snatch video below

Extra work today. Accumulate 7 minutes of plank.

Extra work
6×100 sprint down the side of building. sprint down, walk back. do this with some friends so you can race.

Warm up
10 Burpees
Then 2 Rounds
10 Jump squats
10 ring rows
100m Run
Then 10 bupees

Strength 20 Minutes
Find 5 rep max back squat.
That will look something like this
10 reps empty bar then at a very light weight, a few sets of 5-7 building to that heavy weight, then take your attempts at a 5 rep max. Get a “safe weight” so you have something to work off in the future, then go for that big set that you know is going to be a fight. going to keep you moving on this. We will have days in the future that will be all strength, the entire hour. this is not that day.

Wod (starts at 30 after, have your equipment ready)
5 Minutes AMRAP x 3 (2 Minute rest between amraps)
Row 500/400 OR Run 400 Or Ski 500/400 or Bike 30/20
60 Doubles or singles
Max Reps Power Cleans 135/95

-Row, bike, ski or run exactly 2 minutes or numbers listed above, whichever comes first.
-jump rope 1 minute or until you get the numbers above, whichever is first
Power cleans for the remaining 2 minutes at a light, moveable weight.

Benches will be out there for quality, not speed
8 sets of 5 double DB bench press
7 Toes to bar or knee raises between sets

Warm up
Then 3 rounds
Run 100m
5 push press empty
10 Empty bar thrusters

Push Press
Warm up to your 60 percent. shouldnt take long
Then 10 minutes emom
3 Push press at 60-65 percent of max push press light and quick

14 Minute Amrap *going to score this one for total reps
30 Alternating Single DB step ups 50/35
10 Handstand push ups
30 Alternating db snatches 50/30
10 Handstand push ups

30 Alt step ups with no weight or lighter weight
10 single arm DB push press (5 each side) or 10 push ups or 30 second handstand hold
30 alt DB snatches
10 single arm Db push press or option above

*Why are we scoring this as reps vs rounds? Because we won’t get that many rounds in. this workout is almost like a doing a couple chippers back to back.

It’s getting nice out. Time to use the outdoor space for extra work if you want it. Get out there, get some fresh air and get fit. Extra work today is for quality and technique not for speed.

Extra work
5 rounds
5 strict pull ups (jumping pull ups with a slow decent if you are still working on strict pull ups
5 Strict toes to bar or strict knee raises, slow and controlled

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