Warm up
Every 2 Minutes for 6 Minutes
8 Burpees
6 Push Ups w/ a twist
4 Strict Pull Ups
In remaining time PVC Pass Throughs

Strength Bench Press
6 sets of 4 all at a moderately heavy weight.. 80 percent plus

AMRAP 8 Minutes
12 Single DB Jerks 70/50lbs (6 each arm)
3 Burpee Muscle Up (rings) (Sub burpee bar muscle ups or 5 burpee pull ups)

**During the DB Jerk, athletes should try to keep one head of the DB on top of the working shoulder to maximize energy transfer from the hips to the arms.

Extra- Rope climb practice and teaching session. If you already have rope climbs you are going to do 12 rope climbs for time. Pair up with someone, you go, i go.
If you don’t have rope climbs we will take your through the steps of learning them.

Storms gone, we are back open!

Empty Bar Front Squats
Empty Bar Muscle Cleans
Empty Bar High Hang Squat Cleans

Find a 3RM Touch and Go Squat Clean

For Time 30/25 Calorie Row or bike
15 Power Snatches
25 Toes to Bar
Rest 3:00
25 Toes to Bar
15 Power Snatches
30/25 Calorie Row or bike
Barbell: 135/100lbs

Goals should be less than 8 minutes on each round
-Rowing should take :90 or less to allow for an aggressive pace. -Power Snatches should be Isabel-weight and allow for some touch and go but most likely singles – at least 6 reps per minute. -Toes to bar should not take more than 3 minutes to complete.

lighter is better today (even if it’s too light) athletes will be able to seriously push on the rower and hold onto the bar which will make the workout very effective.

Warm up
800m Run
20 Tuck Jumps
20 RDLS with empty bar
10 Deadlifts with empty bar

Find a 1 rep max or 3 rep max deadlift
Warm up to this with lighter low rep warm up sets

AMRAP 15 Minutes
400m Run
60 Air Squats
400m Run
30 Air Squats

Scaling: – Reduce air squat volume for newer athletes. Squats should not exceed 2:30 of work for the 60 reps or 1:30 of work for the 30 reps.
**Coaches will be focusing on FULL RANGE OF MOTION in squats today so if you need to squat to a ball get one out. Air squats are the time to practice full range of motion if your mobility is lacking

Warm up
3 Rounds
10 step us
10 push press empty Bar

Go for a 1 rep max push jerk. .. Focus on form.

RETEST from 9/28/2020
14 Minute Amrap
30 Alternating Single DB step ups 50/35
10 Handstand push ups
30 Alternating db snatches 50/30
10 Handstand push ups

*if scaling use the same scaling options as you did last time

Warm up for you final try!
Final 5 rep max test. Congrats everybody on your PR’s

30 Clean and Jerks 135/100lbs *4 Chest to Bar Pull Ups every minutes starting at 0:00.

Scaling using bands or ring rows and weight
*focus on fast transitions. Weight should be doable fast singles or sets of touch and go depending on how would normally approach the Grace workout.
Move the bar quick, its meant to be moderate to light weight so scale accordingly. Practice fast, proper set ups before the wod. We don’t want to see a Romanian Deadlift followed by a muscle clean, followed by strict press.
Just set up quick and perform explosive, fast and efficient movements

4 minutes times 2
rest a few mintues between efforts
25/25 bike cals
Max 100m intervals carrying the heaviest slam ball possible

1 260 261 262 263 264 540