AMRAP 5 Minutes
12 Light DB Deadlifts
9 Light DB Hang Cleans
6 Light DB Shoulder to Overhead
:10 machine Sprint

Skill- Don’t skip if you don’t like or have no interest in going upside down. YOU DO NOT have to work on handstand work if you no interest in doing it. we have plenty of alternatives available including not going up side down at all.

HS Walk Skill

EMOM 2 Minutes
:30 HS Hold, shift weight from one hand to the other
EMOM 2 Minutes
:20 Shoulder Taps
EMOM 2 Minutes
25-10′ HS Walk
*not going up side down, no problem do this
EMOM 2 Minutes :30 second db hold overhead
Emom 2 minutes :30 seconds of alternating DB presses
EMOM 2 minutes :30 seconds of Db presses

or, for proficient athletes:
10′ Shuttle (5′ out and back)
20′ Shuttle (10′ out and back)
30′ Shuttle (15′ out and back)
40′ Shuttle (20′ out and back)
50’ Shuttle (25’ out and back)


5 Rounds
20/14 Calorie row or ski or 16/12 echo bike cals
40′ Handstand Walk
5 Deadlifts @ 70-75% 1RM
Rest 3:00

Feel: Gas

Pacing: Reach

Target Score: Sub-27 Minutes (~3:00 per round)

Firebreather Score: Sub Sub-22 Minutes (2:00 per round)


  • AAB: Calories should not exceed 2:00 of work in any round, reduce calories if this is the case
  • HS Walk: If an athlete can walk 10’ at a time, allow them to HS Walk, but consider scaling the distance back to 20’ or 30’. If HS Walks aren’t developed yet, Perform 3 Wall Walks
  • DL: Should not exceed 75% of the athlete’s 1RM.

Coach Focus: Every part of todays conditioning is meant to make your athletes very uncomfortable. We are looking for athletes to have a beefy dose of each movement but for it to be something an athlete can still attack aggressively,

2:00 Row/Ski/run@ Moderate Pace
1:00 Banded Good Mornings
1:00 Banded Pull Downs
1:00 Single Unders
2:00 Row/Ski/run @ Workout Pace

Run 5k OR Ski 5k OR Row 5k
Do one or two. if you do 2 really focus on pushing the pace of one of them and doing the other at a forever pace.

Short wod will posted if you want to get some crossfit in or use the rest of the time for open gym BUT focus on the 5k first.

Couch Stretch 2:00/ Side
3 Rounds
10/7 Calorie machine
15 Russian KB Swings
10 KB Goblet Squats
2:00 4-way Banded Glute Activation


Back Squat
5×5 @ 87.5% 5RM from test week
All sets are at the same weight.
Rest 2-4 minutes between sets.
The goal for the entire phase is to add roughly 2.5% or 5-10lbs to the bar every week.


On a 10 Minute Running Clock
Max Duration HS Hold*
Each time you break perform 10 ring rows then repeat. Athletes should be able to complete all 10 reps of the ring rows unbroken each round

Feel: Muscular Overload

Pacing: Reach

Target Score: Accumulate 3 minutes in a handstand hold

Firebreather Score: Accumulate 5+ Minutes in a handstand hold


  • HS Hold: Any level of inversion works today. If inversion is not possible, perform a plank from the top of a push up or a bar/2 db lockout overhead

Coach Focus: Time under tension (holding positions) is one of the absolute best ways to improve mobility and structural integrity of the structures being used, the shoulders in this case. In the HS Hold we are looking for athletes to be a straight line from their ankles to their wrist, rather than bow shaped. Holding the correct positions for less time is more important than holding poor positions for longer.

2:00 Banded Pull Aparts
10 Snatch Grip RDLs
10 Muscle Snatches
20 Lateral Box Step Overs Unweighted
8 Hang Power Snatches
8 Overhead Squats
20 Lateral Box Step Overs Unweighted
6 Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Press
6 Snatch Balance

Strength/skill all light weight or empty bar
1×5 Tall Squat Snatch, empty bar
1×5 Power Position Squat Snatch, Empty Bar
1×3 Hang Squat Snatch, in front of knee
1×5 Tempo Pull Squat Snatches, empty bar or light weight

then, Build to 80% Snatch

AMRAP 13 Minutes
30 S. DB Box Step Over
5 Squat Snatches @80%
30 S. DB Box Step Over
4 Squat Snatches @80%
30 S. DB Box Step Over
3 Squat Snatches @80%
30 S. DB Box Step Over
2 Squat Snatches @80%
30 S. DB Box Step Over
1 Squat Snatches @80%

Box: 24/20” DB: 50/35lbs

Feel: Muscular Overload

Pacing: Sustain

Target Score: Finish the Round of 30/2.

Firebreather Score: Restart the AMRAP and complete the round of 30/5


  • S. BSO: Reduce loading before reducing reps. The 30 reps are there to ensure a “break” between heavy snatches
  • Snatches: Reduce loading to 70 or 75% if athletes are repeatedly missing. Coaches ensure their 1RM is recent so percentage work is meaningful

Coach Focus: We are looking to tax your athletes legs/pull with the 30 step over buy-in that is before each set of percentage work. It’s the time of the year where athletes need to be able to call upon their strength/skill under duress. If athletes are repeatedly missing, reduce loading on barbell

Sunday Funday teams of 2

Wod 1-
8 minutes
Alternating rounds
6 Kb swings
4 goblet squats
Run to cones
Dont start working until your partner tags you in

Wod 2-
10 Minutes Amrap split how you want
20 wall balls
10 cals on ski or bike

Rest 5 minutes BUT start to warm up for your one rep try

Wod 3-
8 Minutes for both partners to establish a 1 rep max (without dropping the bar) in the following complex
1 Clean (power or squat)
1 Shoulder to overhead
3 Front squats
1 Hang clean
1 shoulder to overhead

1 168 169 170 171 172 533