2 Minutes of Glute Activation Steps*
Every :30 perform 4 Air Squats
EMOM 6:00 (:30 of work)
Row Calories Inchworms + Push Ups

Find a 1RM Deadlift
This is your High CNS (central nervous system) test for the upcoming phase. The goal with the upcoming deadlift phase will be to pull today’s 1RM for a new 3RM in 6 weeks.

Stimulus: Heavy
Rest: As needed
Coach Focus: We are looking to establish a 1RM Deadlift which will be the high CNS lift for the next phase. We recommend that coaches give athletes a blue print for building to a 1RM. An example of this would be:
2×10 at 20-30%
2×5 at 50%
2×3 at 60-70%
1×1 at 80%
1×1 at 85% and then continue to build with singles
Additional Notes/Resources: Perfecting the Deadlift Set Up Position

4 Rounds
1 Legless Rope Climb
3 UB Hang Squat Cleans AHAP*
90 Double Unders
Rest 2:00

Feel: Gas

Pacing: Sustain

Target Score: Sub-3 minute each round

Firebreather Score: Sub-2 minutes each round


  • LLRC: Perform the legless climb as high as possible, climb with legs, or modify to strict pull ups. 1 LLRC = 4 strict pull ups
  • Hang Squat Clean: Athletes can go as heavy as they’d like as long as they are able to perform 3 consecutive reps with their barbell.
  • Double Unders: Should not exceed :90 in any round

Coach Focus: Everything about today’s workout is meant to be gassy and managing a high heart rate will be extremely difficult for your athletes, but this is by design. Athletes pace in each round will be dictated by their confidence with each movement but they should not exceed 3:00 in any of the 4 rounds.

Team “fight gone really bad”
Have all equipment ready by 9:15- This is going to take a little planning, Start at different stations so we are spread out.
Split work however you want

3 Rounds- 2 minutes per station- Max reps at each station, split work however you want. Clock doesn’t stop, switch to next station fast. Keep a running total of your reps through all stations.
Wall Balls 20/14
Row for Calls
Sit ups
Power clean and jerk 135/95
Slam balls or big sandbags over the shoulder

Rest 3 minutes between rounds (that means rest 3 minutes after 10 minutes of work)

You can practice Wod Wars on the weekends, be aware of whats going on around you. its a big enough gym where nobody should be walking through someone else’s workout area.

Something a little different today, but we are going to have to start fast so DONT BE LATE
Teams of 3…
Every team pick 2 machines
50 Minutes as many cals as possible. This is long slow cardio.. longer working times.. longer breaks.
2 per team will always be working 1 will be resting, rotate in and out as needed.
Pick your strategy.. do you want to do 3 minutes per machine and switch so your working 6 minutes and resting 3? more, less, its up to you!


AMRAP 30 Minutes, with a Partner
500m Row (250m each)
20 Synchro Alt. DB Hang Snatches 50/35lbs
500m Row (250m each)
20 Synchro S. Arm DB Push Press 50/35lbs

2:00 Row
3 Inchworms + Push up
400 M run
3 Inchworms + Push up
1:00 Burpees to 6” Target
3 Inch worms
15 Push press empty bar

Strength Push Press (dip + drive + press)
4 sets of 8 reps
Start about 60 percent and add weight

5 Rounds
Row 250/225m
Run 200 or Ski 250/225
15 Burpees to 6″ target
Rest 2:00

First things first today DO NOT skip because the strength is Handstand Pushups if can’t do handstand push ups. There is scaling in place for everything, everyday. Thats the beauty of CrossFit

1:00 Shoulder Swimmers
1:00 A-frame Toe Touches
3 Rounds
20 Box Step Overs 24”/20” > 12 Box Jumps 24”/20” > 8 Tall Box Jump Overs 24″/20” (Round 1 > 2 > 3)
10 DB Push Press

Every 4 Minutes for 16 Minutes
1 Set of HSPU

Immediately into
Max duration HS Hold (:60 cap)
HSPU set should be between 8-20 reps.
Choose a number you believe you can repeat for all 4 rounds. Stop your HSPU set before failure to allow yourself time in a HS hold.

Coach Focus:
Today’s skill work is meant to remind athletes on the value of positioning when it comes to gymnastics. Coaches should be pushing athletes to focus on form vs. going for broke with bad form. Each set ends with a max duration HS hold. Coaches should use the HS Hold portion to ensure athletes understand the concept of “stacking their joints” to increase their ability to hold a handstand for longer. Scaling options for these athletes can be: Pike Strict HSPU on a box + Hold, a set of 3-5 wall walks + a nose and toes hold, or a set of DB strict presses + DB OH hold (or HS hold if able). Get athletes pressing vertically and then performing a static hold to develop shoulder stamina

Wod- short and quick
2 Rounds
30 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
100m Farmer’s Carry 30s-100s
Carry DBs, KBs, Farmer’s Handles, or any heavy implement.

Farmer carrys should be really heavy but something you only have to set down once or twice

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