With a Partner:
Complete 100 Calorie Row/Ski
Partner 1 – Rows 10 Cals
Partner 2 – Max Good For Yous (2 lunges + 1 squat)
*Partners alternate until 100 Calories are completed

No strength today. you will be doing enough squats in the wod

AMRAP 25 Minutes with a Partner
80 Calorie Row/Ski
30 Front Squats @ 50% 1RM Clean
60 Calorie Row/Ski
20 Front Squats @ 60% 1RM Clean
40 Calorie Row/Ski
10 Front Squats @ 70% 1RM Clean
Partners complete work anyhow.
One partner works while the other rests. Bar is taken from floor.

Feel: Cardio

Pacing: Sustain

Target Score: 1.5 Rounds (1 Round = 12-15 minutes)

Firebreather Score: 2+ Rounds


  • Machine: Machine rounds should take less than 5, 4, and 3 minutes respectively. Consider reducing calorie counts slightly for newer and/or smaller athletes, e.g. 70/50/30 calories.
  • Front Squat: Percentage based lifting should allow everyone to play along, but consider reducing the percentage if necessary to allow for consistent reps. Athletes may squat clean the first rep.

Coach Focus: Today’s workout should allow for 25 minutes of steady work, where athletes are permitted to break things up as they choose. Coaches should try to pair athletes up by fitness level to ensure both partners get a consistent and challenging stimulus

Extra work (max reps of 50 TOTAL no matter what you are doing. this can be done with pull ups or muscle ups

Every 3 Minutes for 15 Minutes

Max Unbroken Bar Muscle Ups (1 set)* (pull ups work too, banded pull ups)

50 Rep Cap *For Athletes with only 1-2 BMU perform as many sets as possible in a 1:00 window and rest in the time remaining

Some old school Tampa Bay Games wods

6 Minute Amrap

40 Deadlifts (Elite 315/205) (RX 225/155) (Int/Mas 185/135) (Novice 135/95)
40 Wall Balls (Elite/RX 30/20) (All others 20/14) Target Height: 10/9
40 Dumbbell Power Cleans (Elite 70/50) (RX/INT/Mas 50/35) (Novice 35/25)
40 Box Jumps (Elite/RX 30/24) (All others 24/20)
40 Dumbbell Thrusters In the Tampa Bay Games you are working in pairs of 2 on this wod anyway.

Wod 2- 10 Minutes Amrap- Teams of 2

10 Min AMRAP

Buy In:  500m row

30 Synchronized Dumbbell Snatches (Elite 70/50) (RX, Int, Mas 50/35) (Novice 35/25)

20 Bar Muscle Ups – one athlete works at a time (Int/Mas Pull Up) (Novice Ring Row)

30 Synchronized Burpees

20 Bar Muscle Ups

Wod 3 (this was not a TB games wod) 5 Minutes with a partner max bike cals

We need some running in our lives
Teams of 4- 40 Minute amrap 2 scores (rounds and calories)
waterfall style-ish
Partner 1 starts with a 400m run
Partner 2 starts on Rower
Partner 3 starts bike
Partner 4 starts with a rest

At 3….2….1… the 3 working partner start (4th person is lucky, they get to start late)
Switching is not a set time today, its when the person gets back from the run
Runner goes to rower, rower goes to bike, bike goes to rest, rester goes to run.

9am warm up
2:00 Machine
1:00 Lateral Box Step Overs unweighted
1:30 Machine
1:00 Single DB Box Step Overs
1:00 Machine
:30 Double DB Box Step Overs
:30 Machine *Increase intensity on Machine from a Forever Pace to Reach Pace across the whole warmup.


AMRAP 2 Minutes x 10
10 Double DB Box Step Overs 50s/35s to 24/20″
Max Machine Calories in remaining time
Rest 1:00 Any machine may be utilized, but athletes may not use the same machine in back to back rounds. Score is calories completed.

Feel: Gas

Pacing: Reach

Target Score: 150/100+ Calories

Firebreather Score: 200/150+ Calories


  • Box Step Over: Should be 1 set and not exceed 1 minute of work in any round. Reduce DB weight and/or box height before reducing reps.
  • Machine: Any machine may be used. If machines are not available, perform max burpees in remaining time. To keep athletes engaged, allow them to rotate through various machines throughout the workout if desired.

Coach Focus: We are looking for athletes to always have 1 minute on the machine each round. Coaches should strategically set up their athlete’s work space so they do not need to travel far to get to their machine. Coaches should tell their athletes to use their rest period to record their calories, hydrate and prepare for the subsequent round.

All regular classes today WITH THE EXCEPTION of the 6pm. From 6 to 8pm we will be practicing Wod Wars Wods, you dont have to be registered to jump in and do the Wod Wars workouts.

Ankle Prep:
2 Rounds
10 Ankle Pumps per leg (click for video)
20 Box Step Ups
20 Box Jump Overs
300m Row
15 Burpees Over Rower
300m Row
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs


Conditioning Test

“April Drool’s Day”

5 Rounds
21 Lateral Burpees Over Rower (or a bar if you are using ski erg or running)
21 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
Row ski or run 600/500
32 minute cap

4 Rounds
21 Burpees
21 Box Jump Overs 20/16″
Row 500/400m
32 minute cap

Feel: Cardio

Pacing: Sustain

Target Score: 22-30 Minutes

Firebreather Score: Sub-20 Minutes

Scaling: (note – this workout is meant to be highly accessible, so scaling should only be provided to athletes who are de-conditioned to the point that high volume jumping could be dangerous)

  • Burpees: Should not exceed 2 minutes in any round, but should only be scaled for highly de-conditioned athletes.

BJO: Should not exceed 2 minutes to complete in any round, or box height and/or reps should be reduced. Use Open standard requiring a step-down. Reduce box height before reps

2:00 Pigeon Stretch/ Side
3 Rounds
12 S-Arm DB Squat Cleans 50/35lbs
12 S-Arm DB Push Press 6 Ring Rows

Grab a barbell and put no more than 10 pound plates on it or leave it empty. This part will be done as class. Simple and effective teaching today. you do not need to know every single inch of this lift. its confusing learning like that and will slow you way down. You need to know ground to knee, knee to power position, then power to finish.

Together warm up
Minute 1- 15 Tempo ground to knee (clean deadlift) tempo is 3 seconds
Minutes 2 – 15 Knee to power position tempo tempo is 3 seconds
Minute 3 rest and think about putting the two together
Minutes 4- 10 Ground to power pos. tempo (5 second tempo)
Minute 5- 10 full speed power postion to power clean just for fun

Every 2 Minutes for 12 Minutes
3 Tempo Pull Power Cleans (4 second tempo)

In Teams of 3, waterfall style:
AMRAP 14 Minutes
1 Rope Climb
1 Clean and Jerk 175/120lbs

Feel: Cardio

Pacing: Sustain

Target Score: Each athlete completes 10+ Rounds

Firebreather Score: Each athlete completes 14+ Rounds


  • Rope Climb: Should not exceed :15 to complete 1 climb. Scale to 5 strict pull ups (with a band if necessary). Proficient athletes can be challenged to perform this legless as long as a reduction in intensity doesn’t occur.
  • Clean and Jerk: Should not exceed 65% of an athletes 1RM and should be easily hit every time an athlete approaches the bar (should be power clean + split jerk).

Coach Focus: Athletes should team up by fitness so that all athletes are working/resting for similar times throughout all 14 minutes. For today’s workout athletes should be able to stay in perpetual motion for the entire 14 minutes. We are looking for the flow of the workout to be a 1 quick, consistent climb followed by the athlete being able to jog to their bar and lift it immediately. If athletes are hesitating to lift their barbell, it’s too heavy, and it’s missing today’s goal stimulus. Waterfall style means that as soon as the athlete in front completes their rep, the athlete behind starts theirs

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