Don’t forget Murph Hero Wod this weekend. You can do the entire things, half, TEAMS which we havent done before. The important thing is to show up!
Heat time
Midnight Murph Saturday the 28th at 10pm- Big turnout for this every year!
Sunday 5am to 8:30am ish.. start by 8:30 please
Monday Memorial Day- Closed

AMRAP 5 Minutes
8/6 Calorie Machine
12 Jumping Lunges
8 Scap Push Ups
50’ Light Farmer’s Carry

Strength skill… this is an EMOM with alternating movements. a lot of people will be using a band for strict pull ups to maintain the emom pace. there is no harm in scaling
10 minutes alt. emom
10 pull ups
10 push ups

AMRAP 13 Minutes
12/10 Calorie C2 Machine
50′ Farmers Carry (athletes may pick their own weight/strategy)
Score is pounds moved (weight used multiplied by number of rounds)

Slow steady 15 to 20 minutes run or run/walk combo with no vest.
*one element missing from a lot of CrossFit training is slow steady state cardio (think long run, row or bike at relatively easy pace)
Building this type of endurance up will do wonders for your workouts.

3:00 on a Machine,
Then 3 Steady Rounds
25’ Duck Walk
3 Explosive Broad Jumps
10 In-place Light Reverse Lunge Steps
10 Hollow Rocks

Theses waves take a long time to complete with proper warm up. Focus on weightlifting today! No weight vests, no wod. skill session after this lifting every week.
Squat Clean and Split Jerk
3 reps @ 65%
2 reps @ 70%
1 rep @ 75%

3 reps @ 70%
2 reps @ 75%
1 rep @ 80%

3 reps @ 75%
2 reps @ 80%
1 rep @ 85%
Drop and reset between reps. Rest 3-5 minutes between sets.

Pick 1 of the following skills and practice as an EMOM for 10 minutes.

  • 5-30′ HS Walk
  • :05-:10 L-Sit Hold
  • 1-3 Strict Muscle Ups
  • 1-2 Rope Climbs
  • 5-40 Double Unders
  • :20 Squat Hold (mobility focus)

Don’t look at todays workout and say poo poo on this. This is tough. there is enough bikes and enough rest time for everyone to use bikes

Warm up-
3 rounds
10 burpees
20 seconds bike – getting faster every round
5 pull ups to catch your breath

Every 3 minutes for 30 Mintues (10 rounds)
:10-:15 Air Bike Sprint for Peak Wattage
Rest the remainder of the interval
When you know your watts are dropping off, jump off
write your peak watts down and come up with your average at the end


Bench Press 4 Rounds
1:00 Bench @ 60% of BW*
Rest 3:00
Can be multiple sets in that 1 minute meaning you can rack and unrack the bar a few times if needed.

On a 7 Minute Clock

Run 400m
30 Jumping Lunges
20 Scap Pull Ups
Max Freestanding HS Hold in Remaining Time

On a 15 Minute Running Clock:
Build to a heavy set of 2 Push Presses

200m Run
10 Hang Power Cleans 115/75lbs
10 Handstand Push Ups
200m Run
10 Hang Power Cleans 115/75lbs
10 Handstand Push Ups
200m Run
10 Hang Power Cleans 115/75lbs
10 Handstand Push Ups
200m Run

Strength Stimulus:  Heavy Rest: As Needed
Coach Focus: Coaches should review the points of performance for the push press before starting the 15 minute clock. Coaches should also instruct their athletes not to rush to the 2RM but rather warm up sufficiently with lighter, faster reps.

Feel: Cardio Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: 6-8 Minutes Firebreather Score: Sub-5 Minutes
–  Run: Should not exceed 1:15 to complete or the distance should be reduced slightly.

–  Hang Power Clean: Should be 1 unbroken set that is performed quickly. If an athlete can not
remain unbroken or move fast, the weight should be reduced
–  HSPU: Should not exceed 2 sets at any point. Reps may be reduced to as few as 5 or scaled
to barbell push press. Athletes need to have a rep scheme that doesn’t push them to muscular failure to maintain the cardio stimulus.
Coach Focus: The running should be the bulk of the time spent in this workout if implemented correctly. Athlete should be told to run hard, and not use the run as “recovery” due to it being a major part of this workout. Barbell and gymnastics should never exceed :30 (each) so that the stimulus for the workout is met. If scaling to barbell push press for the HSPU athletes should only have 1 bar for safety & logistical reasons, so whichever lift is “less strong” becomes the governor of the weight used.

Extra outside
3 Rounds 800/750m Row
Rest 1:00

Tampa bay games Wod
For Wod 2 today you can cut these Murph practices a little short as the volume is way up there now or you can come in just for one or the other wod

TBG Event 1: “Night Crawler”
** dont panic we are doing this a little different. partners will switch out on the lighter worms, or lunge med balls together 2 working at a time, not the 3 man worm this times, you can thruster med balls too
13 Minute Cap
25 M Synchronized Worm Lunge
40 Toes to Bar
25 M Synchronized Worm Lunge
30 Synchronized Worm Thruster
25 M Synchronized Worm Lunge
40 Wall Ball Shots 10’/9’
25 M Synchronized Worm Lunge
30 Synchronized Worm Thrusters
25 M Synchronized Worm Lunge
Max E$ort 15’ Rope Climb in Remaining Time
*Score is total number of reps completed at 13 minute cap.

Wod 2
For Time Run 1 Mile
75 Pull Ups
150 Push Ups
225 Squats
Run 1 mile
If you plan to perform Murph with a vest, wear one.

1 141 142 143 144 145 533