Monday 9/26

Warm Up:

2 Steady Rounds 100m Run

20 Russian KB Swings 53/35lbs 6 Strict Chest to Bar Pull Ups

:10 Review:

Coach Lead (empty barbell)

10 Shin to Knee Deadlift 10 Knee to Hips Deadlift 10 Deadlift from the Shin

:15 Strength:

1RM Deadlift

* High rep and light weight to start to warm up

the body’s tissues and practice the motor pattern before reducing reps and getting heavy.

:45 WOD

Choose one of the following and perform as an E2MOM Capacity building session.

Every 2 Minutes for 5 Sets, perform 1 smooth set of:

  • Strict Banded Pull Ups (10-15 reps)
  • Push Ups (10-25 reps)
  • Ab mat or GHD Sit Ups (10-25 reps)
  • 1:00 Weakest Machine

:55 Cool Down
Figure Four

warm up-
Coaches choice

Partners split how you want

Wod 1
12 Minutes
10 sand bag cleans
15 push ups Push ups
16 toes to bar

Rest 5

Wod 2-10 minutes
18 cleans 155/105
16 burpees over your bar
14 pull ups

Rest 5

Wod 3
7 Minutes or both partners to find 1 rep max of this complex
Front squat
Hang clean
Front squat

New cycle starts for adult Weightlifting today. If you have been thinking about joining that class, now is the time to start! Weightlifting Class starts at 9am

8am endurance-We haven’t done this in a while- Teams of 4
40 Minute amrap- (keep track of your runs if you are keeping score)
Partner 1 starts on the 200m run
Partner 2 starts on row (for meters)
Partner 3 starts on ski (for meters)
Partner 4 starts on rest

At go, partner 1 goes for a 200m run,
when they get back they go to row, rower goes to ski, ski goes to rest, rest goes to run.
*its easier to explain in person

9am WOD

Quick warm up- coaches choice

WITH A PARNTER – Split how you want

13 Min AMRAP
55 Deadlifts 225/155 INT-205/135 BEG-185/115
55 Wall Balls 20/14
55 Calorie Row
55 Handstand Push-ups INT-Extra Mat Progress. BEG- DB Press
Rest 5 Minutes

12 minutes AMRAP
20 Kettlebell Swings 50/35
400m Run

2 Rounds
50 Double Unders Or Singles
15 Knees-to-elbows INT-Leg Raises BEG- Knee Raises
15 Push Jerks 155/105 INT-135/85 BEG-115/65

Friday 9/23
Warm Up
Run 400m
Then 2 Steady Rounds;
12 Lunge + Twist Steps (twist towards
forward leg)
15 Unbroken Wallballs
:30 Dead Hang

:15 Barbell Review
Working your way down the lift with positional work.
5 Clean High Pull
5 Power Position Clean
5 Hang Clean
5 Squat Clean
Review 5 second pull for the strength
:20 Strength
EMOM 12 Minutes (12 sets)
1 Tempo Pull Squat Clean
Drop and reset between reps
Start no heavier than 50% of your 1RM
and only add weight if your movement is

45 WOD
AMRAP 6 Minutes
24/18 Calorie Ski
AMRAP in remaining time
8 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
8 Thrusters 115/75lbs
Target Score: 3+ Rounds of AMRAP
CTB: Should not exceed 2 sets.
Ski: If unavailable, Row 24/18 Calories
Thrusters: Should not exceed 2 sets.
:55 Cool Down
Thread the Needle
Seated Straddle

Thursday 9/22
Warm Up
AMRAP 7 Minutes
150m Ski/Row
15 Box Step Overs
12 Burpees
10 Hollow Rocks
:10 Review
Create a tripod with head and hands at the “bottom” of the HSPU. Head loading closer to the wall.
In kip, think “upside down squat” with soles of feet facing each other.
Once athlete hits the top of the handstand core should be tight.
Arms by the ears and chin in a neutral position.
:20 Strength
Every Minute for 10 Minutes
1 “Fast” Set of HSPU
Every Minute for 10 Minute
1-3 HSPU Negatives
Every Minute for 10 Minute
:20 Handstand Hold

:35 WOD
AMRAP 12 Minutes
30 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″
30 Toes to Bar
Target Score: 100+ Reps
Toes to Bar: Multiple sets are perfectly acceptable, but should not exceed 3:00
to complete the 30 reps.
BBJO: Should not exceed 3:30 to complete in Round 1.
:55 Cool Down
Childs Pose with arms elevated on bench or box

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