Watch here and our Member Facebook page please. We will not be having class if it’s storming outside. Here is the link to the members page
Warm Up
3 Rounds
100 M Row
8 Light DB Strict Press
10 Light DB Front Squats
:15 Strength
DB Push Press
Allow for unbroken rep on the Push Press. This will be followed by heavy DB Thrusters in the WOD.
:35 AMRAP 15 Minutes
250/200 M Row
10 DB Thrusters 50/35s
100 M Farmers Carry 50/35s
Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds
Target Score: 4+ Rounds
DB Thrusters: Weight should allow for 2 sets when fresh, 3 sets max. Scale weight before reps.
Farmers Carry: No scale for distance. Carry should be unbroken. Decrease carry weight to preserve stimulus.