Friday March 10th

Watch here and our Member Facebook page please. We will not be having class if it’s storming outside. Here is the link to the members page

Warm Up

3 Rounds

100 M Row

8 Light DB Strict Press

10 Light DB Front Squats

:15 Strength


DB Push Press

Allow for unbroken rep on the Push Press. This will be followed by heavy DB Thrusters in the WOD.

:35 AMRAP 15 Minutes

250/200 M Row

10 DB Thrusters 50/35s

100 M Farmers Carry 50/35s

Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds

Target Score: 4+ Rounds

DB Thrusters: Weight should allow for 2 sets when fresh, 3 sets max. Scale weight before reps.

Farmers Carry: No scale for distance. Carry should be unbroken. Decrease carry weight to preserve stimulus.