Monday March 13th

NO MORNING CLASSES since we are outside and it’s supposed to storm.
There should be afternoon classes. At home workout below.

Warm Up

3 Rounds
10 Box STEP DOWNS (5 each leg)
2-inch worms + push up
5 Scap pull ups
5 Kip Swings

:15 Skill
Hollow Hold Progressions
:45 hold in each position
reach + knees tucked,
Reach + knees tucked + legs extended
Reach + knees tucked + legs extended+ hollow

:30 WOD
5 Rounds
1 Minute: Max Calorie Bike
1 Minute: Max single DB Box Step Ups (24”/20”) 50/35lb
1 Minute:  Max of (Rounds 1, 3, and 5 Pull Ups; Rounds 2 and 4: TTB)

At home version
5 Rounds
1 Minutes max burpees
1 Minute alternating lunges
1 Minute sit ups (db rows, 5 each side and alt. if you have a db)

Rest 1:00 between rounds

Shoot for the same number of reps and calories each round.

*If rig space is an issue athletes can start at different movements.


Box Step Ups: Decrease height before weight. Pick a weight that you can move consistently through each round.

Pull Ups: Jump Pull Ups, Ring Row

TTB: Hanging Knee Raises or Leg Raises