
2:00 Band Pull Aparts ThenRun 400m 20 Ring Rows20 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 20 Air SquatsRun 400m 20 Push Ups20 KB Swings20 Goblet SquatsWorkout of the day is a heavy benchmark wod called “Pennies” Scaling is written below the main wod“Pennies” RxFor Time6 Squat Cleans 225/155lbs 6 Muscle UpsRun 400m6 Squat Cleans 225/155lbs 6...
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3 Rounds Waterfall style team of 4 200m Row100m Empty Sled Push*Resting partners sit in the bottom of a squatWOD AMRAP 30 MinutesTeams of 4– 200m Empty Sled Push/Run– Row for Distance– Rest– Rest One athlete performs a 200m empty sled push whilie 1 athlete rows and the other 2 rest. Once the sled push...
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2:00 4-way Banded Glute Activation, 20 steps per direction, 5 squats after each direction  On a 5:00 ClockRow 500m20 Front Squats with Empty Bar Freestanding HS Practice in time remainingStrength EMOM 12 Minutes1 Pause Front SquatPause for 2 seconds in the bottom of the squat.Start around 60% and build each round.Wod3 Rounds20 HSPU30 Wallballs 20/14lbs STIMULUS AND COACH’S...
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1:00 Shoulder Swimmers20 scap push ups Then5 Rounds6 S-Arm Devils Press6/4 Calorie Air Bikestrength/skill For time10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1Push ups* Strict Pull Ups** 10 minute Cap *Athletes comfortable with sets of 10 push ups should add a deficit of 1-4″. **Athletes comfortable with sets of 10 strict pull ups should perform strict chest to bar.WodAMRAP 10 Minutes6 Devil’s...
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3 rounds of 1 minutes banded glute activation 1 minute banded squats 1 Minute empty barbell back squat- add weight each roundThenStrength Back Squat 5-5-5-3-3-2 Within ~1:00 after each set, perform 1 “Peak Wattage” bike sprint. Goal is to ramp the bike up to the maximal wattage you can attain, and then immediately stop. This...
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Wod 1-12 Minutes-split the work how you want12 Thrusters 95/659 Hang cleans6 Shoulder to overhead.Run 200 as a team Wod 2- 8 minutesRow 1000 as a teamRemaining time do Clean and Jerks— 135/95 Wod 3- 9 minutes Split the work how you wantBike 10 Cals10 Burpees
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Endurance- teams of 5Back to a waterfall10 rounds eachBikeburpee Ski row Rest Switch every minute 9amwarm upStraight Through 20/15 Calorie Row 20 Kip Swings20 Step Ups, unweighted 15 Kipping Knee Raises 20 Step Ups, light weight 10 Toes to Bar10 Step Ups, workout weight 20/15 Calorie RowWod Until 200/160 Calories have been completed. AMRAP 2...
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2 Rounds 1:00 Air Bike 1:00 Walking Lunges 200m Run 10 A-frame Toe Touches Conditioning Re-Test from 5-20 Every 4 Minutes for 28 Minutes (7 rounds) Ski Bike or row 15/13 cals Run 200m  with 50/30 pound slam ball Rest remainder of each interval *score is slowest interval If the clock catches you, take 1...
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Twisted Cross 1:00/Side ThenAMRAP 5:00Row 500m 4 Wall WalksMax Rep Burpees in time remainingStrengthFind a 1RM Push PressPush Press Tips videoWod9-18-27Burpee Box Jump Over 24/20″ Thruster 95/65lbs STIMULUS AND COACH’S NOTESSTRENGTH/SKILLStimulus: Heavy Rest: As NeededCoach Focus: A less frequently tested lift, the Push Press is a great expression of power and pressing strength. The last...
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*1 min foam roll ankles/quads *1 min glute activation (all for directions) -Then- 2 rounds of warming up full ROM * 10 Cossack squats *5 tempo goblet squats (moderate weight) 3 seconds down, explosive drive up*6 calf raises with toes elevated on a plate. Hold one second at the top before starting descent to starting...
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