Warm UpAMRAP 6 Minutes8 Ring Rows6 Burpees to target4 S-Arm Devils Press200m Run:10 StrengthBench Press4×10Rest 2-3 MinutesAt 65-70% of 1RMReviewMUSCLE UPSAthletes may want to warm up their MU after progressions:30 dead hang in HOLLOW5 Kip swings5 Knees to Rig5 Hips to rig*Warm up BMU OR / THENhose doing RMU will transition to rings. Rings the...Read More
9am Team Workout Warm up3 Rounds Run 2008 No push up burpee8 Empty bar pressWod 1- Partners- split evenly 8 Minutes 6 Pulls ups12 Push ups18 SquatsWod 2- Split how you want14 Minutes 200m Farmer carry together 50s/35s Switch dbs as needed10 Burpees 20 Sandbag cleans over shoulder 100/75Wod 3- split how you want6 MinutesMax...Read More
Warm UpAMRAP 7 minRun 400m30 Jumping Lunges20 Scap Pull Ups10 BBJO or Step ups:10 ReviewStrict PressBrace core before removing barbell from rackStep back and press (keeping bar close to body)Less time under tension the better:15 StrengthStrict Press5-5-5-5-5All sets 70-80%Rest 2-3 minutes between setsTIPS FOR WOD:C2B Pull UpsWhen pushing away from the bar try to spot...Read More
Warm UpPVC pipe passthroughs-Then-1 wall walk6 empty bar front squats1 wall walk6 power position power cleans1 wall walk6 hang squat cleans1 wall walk6 squat cleans :10 ReviewTempo Pull Squat CleansUsing a 5 Second PullSet Up (Barbell above base of toes, toes slightly turned out, shoulders over bar, weight mid foot in set up)Mid Shin Hang...Read More
Wednesday 8/24Warm UpAMRAP 7 Minutes 100m Run10 Kip Swings:10 Ring Support Hold 10 Hollow RocksRing Dip Review-jumping-toe tap-banded-kipping or strict-Dip of box or bench if support isnt there on the dips:15 StrengthE3MOM 9 Minutes (3 sets)1:00 Max Ring DipsRest in time remaining*Can be multiple sets :30 WOD5 Rounds10 Toes to bar12/9 Bike calories10 Toes to...Read More
Warm UpRoll Out-THEN-20 Banded good mornings / PVC10 Single leg glute bridges20 KB Swing10 Burpees:10 ReviewDeadliftShin verticalBack flat / Rigid coreLats engaged, shoulder blades in pocketsDecent hips back, load glutes and hamstrings:15 StrengthBuild to a Heavy Deadlift Single between80-90%then3×5 @ 80-85% 1RMRest 3-4 minutes between sets(reps performed as singles)Within 1:00 of each set perform 10...Read More
The class wod will be a Friday Night Throwdown wod!!!! Monday 8/22Warm UpPVC passthroughs-THEN-2 rounds200 m run5 pull ups10 burpees5 empty bar OHS :10 Review5 Tempo Pull Squat SnatchEncourage athletes to freeze at power position to make sure they are in the right position Looking for VERTICAL momentum in this skillAt set up –Knees driving...Read More
31 Heroes AMRAP (with a Partner) in 31 minutesPartner A performs AMRAP of:8 Thrusters (155/105 lb)6 Rope Climbs (15 ft)11 Box Jumps While Partner B performs:400 meter Sandbag Run (45/25 lb) *we have 50 pounds bags but no 25’s, carry a 25 as a sub Partners switch after each Run. On August 6, 2011, a...Read More
8am Endurance Teams of 2 Last week we ran! This week we get some machines out AND RUN!Wod 1- 20 Minute amrapRun 800m togetherwith time remaining max calories on whatever machine you pick-one partner working at a time on the machine. switch out when wanted 5 burpees from both partners on every switchRest 5 MinutesWod...Read More