Tuesday 10/18 WARM UPathletes foam roll out during WB brief. 3 Rounds200m Run8 DB Squat Clean Thrusters :10 STRENGTHREVIEWING THE TEMPO PULL SQUAT SNATCH 5 second pull from the bottom. Cover positional work before starting to load the barbell. Really addressing athletes getting their heels back to the ground after their pull. StrengthEvery 2 Minutes...Read More
Monday 10/17 WARM UPEvery 1:30 for 6:005 Burpees10 LIGHT DB Front Squats:15 Bike Sprint:10 STRENGTHCoach LEAD AS A CLASS2×5Empty Bar Back Squats, Hold one second at the bottom THEN30 MINUTES FOR THE FOLLOWINGBack Squats4×6Set 1: Light-Moderate, 50-60%Set 2: Moderate – HeavySet 3: AHAP (~75-85%)Set 4: Moderate Weight (aka end on a good-looking set) *Squat Tips*Expansion...Read More
Remember the gym is closed today and tomorrow for the CrossFit Gymnastics Course! AT HOME workoutAll you will need is a timer (phone) 4 x 2:00 Minute run, rest 2:00 Between Intervals2 x 4:00 minute run, rest 4:00 between interals1x 8:00 Minute run maintaining a pace you can hold for 8 minutes.. slow it down!...Read More
WARM UP 2 Rounds 10 Spidermans 20 Air squats with glute band 200 M Run :10 Tempo Pull Squat Snatch Review Power Position Snatch Hang Snatch Squat Snatch Tempo Pull Squat Snatch :15 STRENGTH Every 2 Minutes for 14 Minutes (7 sets) 3 Tempo Pull Squat Snatches Drop and rest between reps Weight should start...Read More
WARM UP 3:00 on a Machine Then 3 Steady Rounds 25’ Duck Walk 3 Explosive Broad Jumps 10 In-place Light Reverse Lunge Steps 5 Strict Pull Ups :15 STRENGTH Front Squat2×15SECOND set is AHAP, 60%-70% or 1RM :35 WODFOR TIME3 Burpee MU11 Hang Power Cleans 155/105 lb3 Burpee MU11 Hang Power Cleans 155/105 lb3 Burpee...Read More
When you see bar muscle ups in the skill, if you don’t have them….. don’t worry. Our coaches will help you with whatever pull up progression you are working on. From ring rows to muscle ups we have you covered. WARM UP AMRAP 5 Minutes 8 Ring Rows 8 Burpees 12 Light KB Swings :10...Read More
Tuesday 10/11Waves on waves of squat cleans WARM UP 3 Rounds 5 Pull Ups 8 Empty Bar Front Squats 100 m Ski or Row :10 STRENGTH Squat Clean 1×3 Power Position 1×3 Hang at knee 1×3 Tempo Pull Squat Cleans then, 5 REPS @ 55% 4 @ 60% 3 @ 65% 5 @ 60% 4...Read More
Monday 10/10 WARM UP 3 Rounds 200 M Run25’ High Knees25’ Butt Kicks10 Burpees :15 WODFor Time in Teams of 38000 M ROW10 Mile Bike *One person starts on the row, the second person on the bike and third person on the rest* ROTATE EVERY 2 MIN. Rotation is Row > Air Bike > Rest35...Read More