Mystery warm up. Strength-power cleans. Build to a max double. Does not have to be touch and go. 5 seconds to reset between reps. 2,2,2,2,2,2 Wod- 1 round 20 minute cap 1500m 50 wall balls 100 doubles (15o singles) 5o wall balls Read More
Warm up- Row 1000m- nice and easy. grab an empty bar and and do at least 3×10 back squats Strength- Back Squat- Slowly work up to a heavy set of 3 and if you are feeling good go for your 1 rep max Reps might look something like this 3 sets of 10 empty bar-...Read More
Warm up- Run a few 400 meter intervals -Then 1 Mile time trial- push yourself- Strength- a 6 Minute Window: Find your Misfit Squat Endurance Score 3 Sets of Max Rep Front Squats at 55% of 1RM (Barbell comes from ground.) Set 1 = 3 points per rep completed Set 2 = 2 points per...Read More
warm up row 1000 and practice rope climb technique.. if you have your rope climbs Row 2000 Strength Snatch 3,3,3,3,3 80 percent of 1 rm no misses. if you don’t have your full snatch we will go over proper progressions with you. 5 rounds for time Run 400 3 heavy squat cleans (no rx today,...Read More
Warm up run 800 5 minutes double under practice 5 minutes of pull up progressions or strict pull ups Strength Power position squat clean Find your max of this complex (new clients work on technique with your coaches) 2 power postition squat clean + push jerk or split jerk Wod 50/60 Calorie bike buy in...Read More
Warm up-Run 800m Bike Tabata- go for calories. Strength Bench Press-10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Try to add weight every other set. Wod 4 rounds for time 15 deadlifts 225/185 15 Chest to bar pull ups Run 200Read More
Warm up- 5 minutes of double under practice and 5 minutes of pull up progressions or strict pull ups Strength- Back squats DO YOUR WARM UP SETSthen- 3,3,3,3,3 85 to 90 percent. max out next week. Wod- 5 rounds 16 Kettlebell swings 8 burpee box jumps Run 200mRead More
Warm up, row or bike or run for 5-10 minutes. Find your teammate and get your equipment ready for the wod. Teams of 2- 2 minutes per station split the work however you want- Score is total reps of all 5 stations… we will do 3 rounds of this Row for cals Burpees Sit upsClean...Read More
warm up- Row 750 25 perfect hand release push ups Strength-Front squat 5 sets of 5 at 80 percent Wod- 5 rounds for time 5 heavy power cleans 185/135 15 wallballs Run 200 —-then—-clock keeps running 30 tire flips Read More