Monday July 10th

Met Con Monday!!!!!!!!!!!! What is metcon Monday?? it’s all wods, no strength session

Wod start times will be posted on the board. Start with the class. Miss the start time.. miss the wod!

Warm up- 5 minutes row or bike, mobilize shoulders and hips

1. Primer* 8 minutes
Rounds of Cindy (5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats)
primers are meant to be done at a high intensity to spike the heart rate, so that after you let it settle back down, your endocrine system is ready for the real work. You will want to be loose and mobilized prior to your primer.

2. Met-Con
AMRAP 10 Minutes – Climb the ladder
1 Power clean 155/105lbs
1 Push jerk 155/105lbs
1 push up
2 Power clean 155/105lbs
2 Push jerk 155/105lbs
2 push up
3 Power clean 155/105lbs
3 Push jerk 155/105lbs
3 push up
And so on…

Wod 3
12 Minutes
5 Front squat 155/105
10 Bar facing burpees (jump over your bar)
Run 200


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