Thursday July 13th

If you have a friend who wants to try crossfit. Send them this link!

Warm up-

Run 1 mile, row 16oo or bike 10 minutes, get your bar and weights ready for EMOM

10 Minute Emom (every minute on the minute)
3 Power Snatches

15 Minutes of FUN!! Beach bod workout.
7/4  (guys/girls) Strict pull ups (sub ring rows, no bands today, no kipping, trying to get shoulder/chest/lat work in with true body weight movements)
10 Push ups
30 Double unders or 60 singles.
25 Sit ups


Extra work
5 Sets of 10 Dumbbell curls (alternating 5 each arm)

5 sets of 10 dumbbell rows on the bench

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