Warm up 5 Minute bike 30 Weighted push ups 30 Pull ups Strength Is Deadlifts 5×40% 5×50% 3×60% 5×75% 5x%80 Then As Many Reps As Possible at 85% *Remember these percentage are based off 90 percent of your 1 rep max. The sheet will make it simple, put your sheet in the book when you...Read More
Warm up 800 M run 40 Overhead squats with pvc Grab and empty bar Review the snatch TOGETHER 15 From the Power Postion 15 From the Hang 15 From the Shin or with 10 pound plates Strength is Bench Press 5×40% 5×50% 3×60% 5×75% 5x%80 Then As Many Reps As Possible at 85% *Remember these...Read More
Warm up Teams of 3 Row 1500, split how you want Grab a bar Review the squat clean 0-2 Minutes 7 Power Position Squat cleans 2-4 MInutes 6 Hang from the knee squat cleans 4-6 Minutes 5 from the floor (shins ) Squat Clean 20 Minutes to establish 3 rep max HANG SQUAT CLEAN Percentages...Read More
10 Minute partner bike, Its a race if you want it to be….. switch every minute Shoulder warm up EMOM With an empty bar 0-2 Minutes 10 Strcit Press 2-4 Minutes Push Press 4-8 Minutes Push Jerk Strength Strict Press 5×40% 5×50% 3×60% 5×75% 5x%80 Then As Many Reps As Possible at 85% *Remember these...Read More
Warm Up- 30 Perfect air squats with a 1 second hold at the bottom Run 400 With a partner and a wall ball 30 Partner wall balls GRAB A PERCENTAGE SHEET AND START FILLING YOUR NUMBERS OUT Strength is back squat. 5×40% 5×50% 3×60% 5×75% 5x%80 Then As Many Reps As Possible at 85% *Remember...Read More
Sickness——–Wellness——-Fitness That’s “health” summed up in 3 areas… Almost everything you do falls on that line somewhere. Eating like crap? You are going to suffer the consequences of that.. all the problems that come along with that… that will push you towards sickness. When you are fit you have an extra layer of protection against...Read More
Don’t forget what your CrossFit heroes are doing to get where they are. They earned those spots. https://breakingmuscle.com.au/au/fitness/do-you-have-what-it-takes-to-go-to-the-crossfit-games Warm Up 500 Meter Row 30 OHS with a pvc Grab an empty for 0-2 minutes 5 power position snatch 2-4 minutes 5 Hang Snatches 4-6 Minutes 5 Full snatches Or power plus overhead squats Strength Take...Read More
Be to class on time today! We’re going long!!!! Don’t be a hero… nobody remembers if you were going RX if the ambulance has to come because you fell off the rope. Pick one option below and stick with it.. no mix and match. This isn’t the Mcdonalds pick 6 dollar menu. Warm up 2...Read More
Here is a great article on intensity over volume. More is not better, better is better. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. “going through the motions” doesn’t equal results. http://www.crossfitinvictus.com/blog/volume-or-intensity/ Warm up: 800M run with your rival. Run 400m out slow.. rest a minute.. race back. 2 Rounds 5 Toes to bar or knee raises (figure...Read More