Final Open Attempts between 9-10am. Other than that make arrangements with a coach. No attempts after 4pm. Warm Up- Slow 800m Run. Then 30 Air squats- Bottom to bottom.. that means————-Squat, hold it there for 3 seconds, shoot back up quick and back down. We will do this as a class practice Sumo Deadlift highpulls....Read More
Warm Up 400m Run Slow… Then together 6×100 Sprints down the side of the building. we will run groups so everyone gets equal rest Gradually pick up the pace, DON’T FALL! THEN- Grab an empty bar Snatch review with overhead squats 0-2 Minutes 6 Power position power snatch 2-4 Minutes 6 Hang position power snatch...Read More
Warm up 800 M Sandbag run with a friend 30 Squats 20 Strict Pull ups Strength 10 Minutes EMOM- Squat clean Option A: 1 squat clean every minute on the minute, build up to a HEAVY SQUAT CLEAN Option B: 3 Power cleans on the minutes add a squat at the end- Moderate weight (if...Read More
Warm up- 5 Minutes Bike 30 Passthroughs 20 air squats with 2 second hold 10 Empty bar presses 6 Minute group emom presses review 0-2 Strict press 2-4 Push Press 4-6 Push Jerk Strength 6 sets of 3 push press (from the rack) Build up to 80 or 90 percent of your max Wod- 4...Read More
LAST OPEN Attempts 9-10am tomorrow. If you need to get in any other time make PT arrangements with a coach. It’s time to TRAIN. You should not lose your gains during the open by repeating workouts 18 times. We are deadlifting today, not normal to do on monday here but we have to program around...Read More
Take our Fitness outside today! Heats of the open at 9am until 9;45 then Sunday Funday Wod 1 – Teams of 3 – all equipment will be outside 10 Minutes 6 Kb swings 6 Kb squats Run 100m Tag your partner in and they go Wod 2 Teams of 3- for time Chipper Outside 100...Read More
8am Endurance With a partner and a running clock 8x400M run- Partner 1 Runs first, then Partner 2 goes when they get back.. Keep alternating. you will run 4 each THEN 8x500M row.. same way.. you will each row 4, alternate THEN 10×10 Calorie Bike… you will each bike 10 cals 5 times.. alternate. Time...Read More
If you are doing the open come and and stretch and row… OR just keep training like regular and treat the open tomorrow like another workout… either way is fine. Warm Up- 800 Meter run with a buddy and a heavy wall ball (morning classes run 4 200’s so we dont get mud in the...Read More
Warm up- 5 Minute bike 40 PVC pass throughs 40 OHS with PVC Grab a bar and get ready… Warm Up EMOM, Just like yesterday only snatches 0-2 7 Power Position Power Snatch 2-4 7 Hang from the knee power snatch 2-6 5 snatches from the floor (Squat) Strength 10 minutes 2 Full snatches or...Read More