Partner warm up8 minutesPartner 1 bikes, partner 2 holds the bottom of an overhead squat with a pvc pipe… switch every minute… can you hold it that long.Then-0-1 Minute 10 snatch grip high pull. 2-3 Minutes 8 power position power snatch3-4 minutes 6 hang position power snatch4-5 minutes 6 from the shin plus overhead squat6-7...Read More
METCON MONDAY ON A WEDNESDAY???? No strength work today. General warm up-5 minute bike then as a group from one end of the gym to other…Butt kicks, high knees, squats, shoulder circles front and back Meet at the board, go over the workout and then gather your equipment up and go through each movement. Wod...Read More
Warm up-Partner warm up-8 X 200m run, non running partner holds a plank while the other is runningGrab a bar- It’s been a few weeks since we found a max thruster. If you are a new athlete you are going to work on sets of 5, For your warm up for this do 15 front...Read More
Partner Warm up 80/60 cal on the bike, non working partner do 15 air squats, then switchGrab a bar, we are finding a 1 rep max front squat today! Warm up should be 2 or 3 empty bar sets then something like this5,5,3,3, 1,1 1.. until you miss working from 60 to 100 percentNewer athletes...Read More
Teams of 2Wod 12000 Meter row time trial.. split work however you wantWod 2 “hang in there partner” 20 Minutes EMOM (every minute on the minute)5 Thrusters rx is 95/65 but rx+ is 135/955 BurpeesThis is an emom. Partner 1 will do 5 thrusters and 5 burpees while partner 2 is hanging from a bar....Read More
8am Run ClubIts been awhile so how about running some 400’s over on the post office road. 6-8 if you hate running, 10 if you love running. 90 second break between. OR Run a 5k for time. Push the pace. 9am Mobility 10 am Partners, split how you wantBuy in 100cal row100 wall balls 50...Read More
JBo-Hero Wod Warm up will start with bar work at the top of the hour. be there early if you need to mobilize. 0-1 Minute 10 Power Position Power Snatch1-2 Minutes 5 Hang Position Power Snatch plus 1 OHS2-3 Minutes 5 from the shin plus ohs3-4 Minutes 8 full snatches with empty parCoach will start...Read More
Little run/Light light light deadlift warm up.Most of this wod will be done outside.. bring your SPF 90 if you get sunburned easy. Why do we do Wods like this? Remember the snatch wod with the 200m meter run… it’s to help teach how to push the pace on running instead of using it as...Read More
Warm up-3 quick round of 10 cal 5 Pull ups10 push ups15 squatsStrength Back squat 5 sets of 3, or Newer athletes that are using lighter weight, 5 sets of 7If you are doing 5 sets of 3 this should be at 90 to 95 percentWod Chelsea Every minute on the minute for 30 minutes...Read More
Warm up. Row 5 minutes, meet at the boardBring sally up overhead squat version with pvc pipe. Want to spice things up…do SOTS presses during your holdStrength-5 sets of this press complex we did a few weeks ago. Try to go heavier. Build up in weight1 strict press, 2 push press, 3 push jerk.* think...Read More