Lat Smash 2:00 / SideThenStraight Through20 Box Step Ups10 Alternating DB Snatch15 Box Jumps10 Alternating DB Snatch5 Burpee Box Jumps Toes to Bar Warm Up15 Scap Pull Ups12 Gymnastic Kips (Build to bigger, and bigger kips)9 Kip w/ Knees Up6 Knees Up with a KickThen,EMOM 3 Minutes 3-8 Toes to BarGymnastics Re-Test Gymnastics Re-test (last performed...Read More
Lifting warm up It’s retest week. Did the holidays throw you off. We are about to find out! Barbell warmupThen Last day of snatching 3 reps @ 70%2 @ 75%1 @ 80%1 @ 75%then, continue climbing upward to a new 1RM. The final, lighter single is intended to make the bar feel a bit lighter...Read More
Gym is closed today. Get outside and get a long walk or long slow run in. MOVE AROUND TODAY. get to bed early. Prep some good meals for Monday!Read More
There are 4 classed today 5am, 6am, 9am and 10am. Doors close at 11am. Get home and enjoy the holidays with family and friends. “12 Days of Christmas”1 Sumo Deadlift High-Pull 75/55 INT-65/45 BEG-55/352 Thrusters 75/55 INT-65/45 BEG-55/353 Push Presses 75/55 INT-65/45 BEG-55/354 Power Cleans 75/55 INT-65/45 BEG-55/355 Power Snatches 75/55 INT-65/45 BEG-55/356 Kettlebell Swings...Read More
Schedule for the week Friday Christmas Eve 5am, 6am, 9am, 10am. Closing at 11Saturday Christmas Day ClosedSunday Closed 1:00 Squat Hold with Empty Bar in Back RackThenEvery 2:00 For 8:008 Burpees over your bar10 Jumping Back Squats w/ empty bar Strength Back SquatEvery :90 for 15 Minutes 3 Back Squats @ 60% For Time4-8-12-16-18Hang Squat...Read More
Schedule for the weekRegular schedule Monday Through Thursday Friday Christmas Eve 5am, 6am, 9am, 10am. Closing at 11Saturday Christmas Day ClosedSunday Closed 3:00 Any machine (:30s Easy/:20s Moderate/:10s Hard x3) Then:30 Handstand Hold20 DB Snatches1:00 Handstand Negatives20 Goblet SquatsStrength/skillClimb the Ladder 2x2-4-6-8-etcUB Toes to BarRest 3:00 before repeating*sub out knee raises if you are working...Read More
Schedule for the weekRegular schedule Monday Through Thursday Friday Christmas Eve 5am, 6am, 9am, 10am. Closing at 11Saturday Christmas Day ClosedSunday Closed Warm up3 Rounds10 Russian KB Swings12/10 Calorie Row 10 Wallballs 10-8-6-4-2Front Squat* *10 & 8 should be two additional light warm up sets that are challenging but not a slow grind. 6-4-2 should...Read More
For Time with a Partner:2 Rounds30 Wall Walks (scaled or 60 double db presses if you don’t want to go up side down) 40 Power Cleans 205/140lbs, or ~75% 1RMSplit work anyhow, but it must be kept even. 26 minute cap Scaling: Wall Walk: Every athlete should have a target to get their hands over...Read More