Contest for fabulous prizes starts today. Rules are simple. Not all prizes are out, we’ll be adding some. Make a social media post, with a picture, WHILE YOU ARE AT THE GYM. earn tickets, fill tickets out, drop ticket in the bag that matches the prize you want! 1 Ticket= post to social media and...Read More
Barbell warm up together. empty barMinute 1- 10 Snatch grip deadlifts to kneeMinutes 2- 10 transition from knee to power Minute 3- 10 snatch grip high pulls from power postionMinutes 4- 5- Power pos. power snatchMinute 5- 5 hand pos power snatchMinute 6- 5 from shin, powerMinute 7- 5 OHSMinute 8- 5 full snatch from...Read More
** Important reminder as we have a lot of new faces in the gym. If you see something in the programming you can not do, DON’T SKIP THE GYM THAT DAY. We will modify the movement and get you working toward the most difficult progression. Not interested in learning hand stand walks or going upside...Read More
Sunday Funday. Wod 1- Teams of 28 minute Amrap10 Synchronized Dumbbell snatches10 Synchronized burpeesONE partner runs 100m while the other rests.. alternate on the rest every round Wod 2- Team of 212 Minutes AmrapBuy in1000 meter row split however you wantThenAs many rounds as possible of12 Dumbbell Thrusters12 pull ups100m run together*Split work however you...Read More
2:00 Pigeon Pose (1:00/side)-Then-21-15-9Calorie Row PVCVery Light DB ThrustersStrengthBack Squat 8×3 at 60% of 1RM AMRAP 7 Minutes7 Calorie Row 7 Thrusters 65/45lbsExtra-with a partner22 minutes alternating every minuteRow, bike or ski for calsRead More
First day in new building. Park in front, use side door south side of building. Don’t park by the house, park on the grass in front of the warehouse.Wod might be slightly modified. NO THROWING DUMBBELLS IN THE NEW GYM. if you have to throw it, its too heavy for you to control. 3 Rounds10...Read More
In Teams of 3:EMOM 9 minutes, rotating (3 rounds at each station)P1- :50 bike @ sustain paceP2- :50 Burpees @ sustain paceP3- :50 Leg SwingsWod-30 Minutes- team of 3Bike as many cals as possible MUST switch every 20 seconds- not including transition. so if you jump on the bike at 24 second… bike until it...Read More
Park in front please! Teams of 3-Wod 1- 10 minutesEntire team runs 800m with a sandbag, slam ball, or wall ball- switch as needed-Remainder of the time is max reps of wall balls Wod 2- Lets Liftentire team has 8 minutes to find a 1 rep max squat clean- start moderately heavy, you should be...Read More