Little bit different endurance today*bring a vest if you wantWorkout 1- solo20 Minute Amrap400m run 10 burpees to 6″ target 20 lunges Workout 2- Partner up no vest 15 Minutes Partner 1 runs 400 while partner 2 goes for cals on any machine, switch when partner 1 gets back from the run. *stay on the...Read More
6 Inch WormsRun 200m, then:8 Single DB Box Step Ups 25′ Walking Lunge6 Single DB Box Step Ups 25′ Duck Walk4 Single DB Box Step Ups 4 Wall WalksEvery :75 for 8 Sets (4 each), alternating:– 14 Banded Strict Pull Ups– 14 Push UpsPull Ups: Use a band that allows for FAST reps. Athletes may...Read More
Barbell warm up, coach led-experienced althetes concentrate during this warm up, if you you think you can’t learn from empty bar positional skill work…… you have a lot to learn. New athletes, don’t forget these positions when you are going through the lifting. Squat Clean and Split Jerk 3 reps @ 70-75%2 reps @ 75-80%1...Read More
Once Through:30/20 Calorie Row20 Single Leg RDLs w/light DB or KB (10/side) 30/20 Calorie Bike6 Turkish Get Ups *with kb you have outStart with wod today- team up with people about as fast as you. if you are short people add a rest interval when a person would be working if you had 5 people....Read More
400m Warm-up weight DB Farmer’s Carry (Unbroken Challenge)Then20 Spiderman Lunges 20 PVC Overhead SquatsGrab and empty bar and wait for coach to lead you through 10 reps of tempo power snathEMOM 15 Minutes1 Tempo Pull Power SnatchFor Time20 DB Front Rack Lunges 50s/35s 200m DB Farmer’s Carry 50s/35s 20 DB Front Rack Lunges 50s/35s 200m...Read More
Sunday Funday – teams of 2Wod 1- Partner Karen150 wall balls for time split how you want- *we will wait a few minutes before starting the next wod so we can all start together Wod 2 (10 Minutes cap)20 Rounds for time, alternating rounds3 Clean and Jerks 135/953 burpees over your bar. *again we will...Read More
VICTORIA’S HANDSTAND CLINIC IS AT 10AM TODAY. all skill levels welcome! she will go through the all the progressions and give you skill work to do to get those handstand holds and walks 8am endurance Waterfall-is style workout. teams of 5- all teammates except the person on “rest” will start at 3…2…1 go. 45 Minute...Read More
AMRAP 7 Minutes 400m Run50′ Bear Crawl:30 Handstand Hold50′ Spiderman Lunge:30 Dead hang from Pull Up BarEvery :90 for 9 Minutes2 Big Kips + Kip w/ look over bar (get hips close to bar and eyes over bar)+ 1-2 Bar Muscle Ups All three drills in the same interval. Big Kips are performed as singles....Read More
TO get moving start with 400m Run20 good mornings with barbell20 kip swings Then- together- EMPTY BAR15 snatch grip high pulls from power position 15 Power Position power snatch15 Hang Position power snatch from mid thigh StrengthEvery :30 for 12 Minutes (24 sets)1 Hang Power Snatch from mid-thighSTRENGTH/SKILLStimulus: Technique/Heavy Rest: As PrescribedCoach Focus: Coaches should...Read More