Warm-Up2:00 Machine-into-2 sets (empty bar)5 Clean Grip Deadlifts5 High Pulls5 Hang Muscle Cleans5 2in Drops– into –2 sets (empty bar)2 Power Cleans2 Hang Power Cleans (below the knee)2 Hang Power Cleans:15 StrengthTake a few minutes to build to your first weight of this complexSet 1:1 Power Clean + 1 Below the Knee Power Clean +...Read More
Warm-Up3 Rounds200m Run10 Glute Activation Steps (each way)8 Ring Rows8 Air Squats:15 StrengthBack SquatsEvery 2 minutes1×10 @ 60%1×8 @ 65%1×8 @ 70%1×8 @ 75%WOD*our coaches are here to help you, take their advice. If you haven’t spent any time on the GHD do ab mat sit ups. if you are just starting on the GHD...Read More
Remember we are closed Saturday and Sunday. Merry Christmas Everyone. Spend sometime outside the gym! We are open Monday. Friday 12/23Warm Up2 Rounds100m Run15 Singles10 Burpees:15 Prove It Round3 Med Ball Sams10 Double Unders5 Sit Ups:20 WOD5 sets1:00 Max Med Ball Slams (50/30) or lighter sandbag over shoulder. 1:00 Max Double Unders1:00 Max Abmat Sit...Read More
Warm up1 Minute of Banded 7shttps://youtu.be/Gn0_1HAkEfE?list=PLNmWOCEX1SUYEV22aBa94WB2Z8Xi2eYGJ 6 min AMRAP5 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls5 Push Press5 Kip Swings5 Kipping Pull-ups:15 Prove It RoundOn 3,2,1 athletes test out their weights for the WOD, ALL UNBROKEN REPS.3 Shoulder to Overhead3 Chest to bar3 Sumo Deadlift High Pull:25 WOD5 Rounds15 Shoulder to Overhead (95/65)12 Chest to Bar Pull Ups9...Read More
Wednesday 12/21Warm Up1:00 PVC Pipe Passthroughs2 Rounds200m Ski8 KB Swings6 Snatch Grip Press from behind to neck:10 Strength1×3 from Power Position1×3 from Hang, at knee, w/ tempo pull1×3 Tempo Pull Squat Snatches, lighter than set 1 weight.The find a NEW IRM Squat Snatch (NOT TEMPO):45 Accessory Work3 Sets10 GHD Sit Ups (Ab Mat Sit Ups)5-10...Read More
Warm Up30-foot walk on toes30-foot walk on toes backwards30-foot walk on heels30-foot lunge walk – arms locked out overhead30-foot butt kickers30-foot high knees30-foot inch wormsHollow ProgressionsHold each for :30.Hollow hold with feet tucked in and arms reaching forward toward feetHollow hold bringing knees toward chest arms still extendedHollow hold with legs extended straight upHollow hold...Read More
Warm Up1 Minute Glute activation-into8 min AMRAP::10 sec HS Hold5 Deadlifts (empty bar)5 Hang Muscle Cleans (empty bar, no dip under the bar)5 Shoulder Press (empty bar, Strict Press):15 Strength5 working sets of:5 Deadlifts + 3 Hang Power Cleans + 1 Push Jerk Work up to a Heavy, Unbroken set. Based off 1RM Clean and...Read More
Wod 1- Teams of 28 minute Amrap10 Synchronized Dumbbell snatches8 Synchronized burpeesONE partner runs 100m while the other rests.. alternate on the run every round Wod 2- Team of 212 Minutes AmrapBuy in1000 meter row or ski split however you wantThenAs many rounds as possible of12 Dumbbell Thrusters12 pull ups200 M Run together!*Split work however...Read More
8am and 9am. SAME WORKOUTThe 12 days of Christmas “12 Days of Christmas”1 Sumo Deadlift High-Pull 75/55 INT-65/45 BEG-55/352 Thrusters 75/55 INT-65/45 BEG-55/353 Push Presses 75/55 INT-65/45 BEG-55/354 Power Cleans 75/55 INT-65/45 BEG-55/355 Power Snatches 75/55 INT-65/45 BEG-55/356 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 INT-35/25 BEG-25/157 Pull-Ups Or Any Progression8 Knees-to-Elbows or Knee Raises9 Box Jumps 24/2010 Double-Unders...Read More
Warm Up400 M RunThen 2 Rounds10 Single Arm Deadlift/Suitcase Deadlift (Light Weight)8 Goblet Squats (Light Weight)5 Strict Pull Ups (Lat Activation):10 StrengthDeadliftEvery 2 Minutes for 5 Rounds1×15 @ 40%1×12 @45%1×8 @50%2×6 @ 60%ALL UNBROKEN SETS. No slamming off the bar. Plates will “Kiss” the ground. Arms will stay straight; Lats activated the entire time.:30 WODRowing...Read More