2 Sets, Increasing Intensity
200m Run
10/10 Pendulum Lunges
10 Dual Dumbbell Push Press, light loads (just patterning)
200/170m Row
Strict Press + Push Press
Every 2:30, 4 Sets
3+5 @ 75%+ of Strict Press
We will hit the 3 Strict Press at a good tempo and then get into a dynamic dip and
drive for 4 touch n’ go style Push Press. The flow and goal here is to create a beautiful
press in a tight vertical line from the shoulder to overhead by compressing the midline
and thinkin about shortening the gap between the sternum and the belly button.
Stay tight, stay aggressive
5 Rounds for Time:
200m Run
250/215m Row
30 Air Squats
Time Domain: 11:00-15:00 minutes
Time Cap: 17 Minutes
Row Sub: 225/190m Ski Erg
Primary Objective: Achieve best overall time
Secondary Objective: Descending splits per round / increasing pace