8:00 minutes, For Quality1:00 minute Machine of Choice (Easy pace)5/5 World’s Greatest Stretch10 Tall Muscle Cleans10/10 Staggered Stance Barbell Good Morning3-5 + 1 Pogo Jump to Vertical JumpStrength Strength:Back SquatEvery 2:30 minutes, 5 Sets, Complete the following:Set 1: 5 @ 70%Set 2: 4 @ 75%Set 3: 3 @ 80%Set 4: 2 @ 85%Set 5: 1...
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Warm-Up8:00 minute EMOM, Alternating Movements Minute 1: 12/9 Calorie Row Minute 2: 20/20 second Samson StretchMinute 3: 8 Scapular Pull-Ups + 8 Bar Kip Swings Minute 4: 10 Med Ball Cleans + 10 Med Ball slamsSkills and ProgressionToe to Bar Technique and Efficiency-Kip Swing, Hollow to Arch positions-Strict Knee Raises to maximum height with active...
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2 Sets, For Quality:1:00 minute Machine of Choice (Easy pace)10/10 Single Arm Kettlebell Russian Swings, Light Load10 Alternating Bird-Dogs5 Broad JumpsInto2-3 Sets , with an Empty Barbell3 Hang Muscle Snatch3 Snatch Grip Push Press3 Snatch Balance3 Squat Snatch Weightlifting : Snatch ComplexPower Snatch + Squat Snatch + Overhead SquatEvery 90 seconds, 10 SetsSets 1-4: 2+1+1...
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Running Clock today so pace yourself. warm up will be on the board In teams of 2Row 500 (split how you want)40 Clean and Jerks 135/95Row 500______________________________Straight into 3 rounds ofRun 400 meters TOGETHER42 kb swings24 Pull ups______________________________Row 500 Then 150 wall balls to finish. We have a time cap in mind but we will...
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8am Endurance-Teams of 3-40 Minute AmrapTeams will work through the 3 machines completing 60 Calories on each machine, splitting the cals how they want, before moving to the next machineAt 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35 minutes mark all the teammates will stop and complete 20 sand bag cleans and 20 burpees, in that order, split how they want. only...
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Warm-Up400m RunInto..3 Rounds5/5 Crossbody Dumbbell Muscle Snatch10 Banded Face Pulls10 Hollow Rocks10 Arch RocksInto..3 RoundsBar Shapes : Neutral Hang + Hollow Hang + Neutral Hang + Arch HangHold each position for 3-5 secondsRest as needed between each set throughConditioning“Running Up That Hill”4 Rounds for Time:400m Run20 Toe to Bar (sit ups, straight leg toes almost...
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12:00 minute EMOM, Alternating Movementsminute 1: Choice Cardiominute 2: 10 Banded Good Mornings + 5 Inchworm Push-Upsminute 3: “Barbell Complex”minute 4: Rest and add a little weight to the barbell****”Barbell Complex”3 High Hang (Power Position) Muscle Clean3 Hang Power Clean3 Front Squat3 Push Press3 Split JerkEach round decrease by 1 rep on each movement and...
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Warm up8:00 minute EMOM, Alternating Movements aMinute 1: 12/9 Calorie RowMinute 2: 8 Scapular Pull-Ups + 8 Bar Kip Swings Minute 3: 12/9 Calorie Bike Minute 4: 10 Alternating Deep Lunge Mountain ClimbersStrength/Skill- We will find pull up option that works for each individual on this. If you have been off for a while you...
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Warm-Up2 Sets, For Quality:5 Yoga Push-Ups10/10 Single Arm Single Leg Romanian Deadlift:10 Second Ring Support Hold + :10 Second Ring Dip Hold10 Banded Glute Bridge Marches5/5 Goblet Crossover Step-Ups Strength: Bench PressEvery 6:00 minutes for 18:00 minutes, Complete5 reps3 reps1 repPercentages:Set 1: 75-77-80%Set 2: 77-80-82%Set 3: 80-82-85%Percentages are all based on your 1-rep max Bench...
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If you’re looking for CrossFit done right, Train Harder is your place. Our strength cycle starts this week with back squats. We will work in waves (5,3,1 see below) on this lift today and 3 others during this cycle. Workouts will be good old fashioned CrossFit workouts. Simple and effective. Skill work days are built...
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