Thursday July 4th

ONLY 1 CLASS AT 8am Today!

2 Sets, For Quality
40 second Elevated Prayer Stretch
20 second Extended Reverse Plank Bridge
5/5 Worlds Greatest Stretch
5/5 Single Arm Ring Rows Tempo
10 Alternating Cossack Squats

13 rounds for time with a Partner of:
*vest not required but if you have one bring one

8 strict pull-ups
26 box step-ups
21 burpees

Rx: With Weight Vest

♀ 14-lb vest, 20-inch box
♂ 20-lb vest, 24-inch box

In honor of Navy Corpsman Maxton Soviak, 22, who was among the 13 U.S. service members killed during the attack outside the Kabul airport in Afghanistan on Aug. 26, 2021.

Soviak was an avid CrossFit athlete who trained at CrossFit Hita, CrossFit Latte Stone, and Custom Fitness Guam. This workout includes some of his favorite CrossFit movements.

According to Harold Aranda, a family friend, “Max loved hard work, he loved the grind, and he never gave up. He was never one to put people down but rather pull them up to be great.”

Goal Time: 35:00-40:00 

Time Cap: 45:00

Stimulus: Hero WOD / Muscular Endurance

RPE: 8/10

Primary Objective: Complete within the goal time domain

Secondary Objective: Split the work evenly across partners 


We should be able to have this workout split evenly in a very easy back and forth fashion with one athlete tackling 4 strict pull-ups then the other doing 4, before tackling 13 box step-ups each and then one partner doing 11 reps one round while the other does 10 reps on the Burpees the next round. The goal here is to complete each round in as close to 3:00 minutes as possible in order to keep this workout moving. The estimate is based on the Strict Pull-Ups going relatively quickly before tackling consistent Box Step-Ups and then the Burpees taking the longest duration of time. Since we are splitting reps we should see the reps be able to be completed in under 90 seconds which should be the goal to maintain throughout. 

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