Sunday Funday partner wod*run might be subbed for a row if you dont want to run in the rainWod 1 12 Minutes Split how you want30 Db snatches 70/5020 burpees 10 Pull UpsWod 210 Minutes split how you want20 Single arm DB thrusters 70/5020 Toes to bar ***Tossed dumbbell is a 5 burpee team penalty...
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Endurance-With partner20 Minutes on bike, switch every minute. Score is calories. No transistion timeIn the remaining 20 minutes-both partners run 1 mile-When BOTH partners are back start to row or ski for cals. Switch whenever you wantScore is Total Cals9am and 10amFor time *do this solo, do 1,2 or 3 workouts or do these as...
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Warmup Cardio warm upWod Run 5kOR There will be other options listed but you should really to try to run. Yes we know you could do this at home but will you actually do that? The other option will be one the qualifier workouts posted at
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4 Rounds*5 Bar Facing Burpees5 Empty Bar Good Mornings5 Hang Muscle Cleans5 Shoulder to Overhead *Rounds 1-2 are with an empty bar, then add weight in rounds 3-4Strength-Lifting while we aren’t we fatigued. Lets see how this goes. Find 1 rep max power clean*when you receive a power clean, you should be in a position...
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4×8 Band Pull Aparts (2 rounds palms up, 2 rounds palms down)Then3×3 HSPU or Push Up NegativesThen12-10-8Russian KB Swings Cals Hand stand push up day*There are progressions to everything. We aren’t expecting you to get these right away. This starts with dumbbell presses. StrengthEvery 2 mintues for 8 minutes practice 0″ to 12″ deficit HSPU...
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Steady 8 Minute AMRAP12 Cossack Squats (6 each way)10 Scap Pull Ups8 Empty Bar PAUSE Thrusters6 Ring Rows 4 Burpees*on a pause thruster you stopping 3/4 of the way up and concentrating and opening your hips as violently as possible from that point up (think power position.) This will help those of you who press...
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New phase of training starts today. 2 weeks of testing then we start baseline trainingBaseline Testing Weeks – these two weeks will consist of over 10 CrossFit and Misfit Benchmarks intended to provide athletes with the ability to re-test (or test for the first time) old benchmarks and see how their fitness has progressed. These...
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Wod 1- 12 Minutes (split how you like)Run 200 together with a wall ball30 wall balls20 BurpeesWod 2- 10 Minutes2o toes to bar14 hang cleans (135/95)12 pull upsWod 38 minutes 20 Deadlifts 225/15580 doubles (or 120 singles)
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8am enduranceWith a partner, in any order, complete the following chipper. (must finish one movement before starting the next)100 Ski Cals100 Rower cals100 Bike cals100 burpees9am and 10am*do 1,2 and or all 3. do them as a partner workout if you want to. Saturdays are tough and we don’t people skipping because the workouts look...
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5 rounds or 5 minutes 5 pull ups *practice your best progression. if you have a couple pull ups do them, then switch to jumping or banded. 10 push ups 15 squatsStregnthBench press5 sets of 5Go as heavy as you want*partner wod during the week!! we don’t do this often but we are today, have...
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