Alternating EMOM for 9 Minutes1 – :45 Double Unders/Double Under Practice2 – 5 Scap Push Ups, 5 Scap Pull Ups, 5 Kips3 – :30 Pause OHS* *Start with the empty bar and add a small amount of weight each roundStrength 15 Minutes to warm up to and build up and past the weight you will...Read More
Warm up4 Rounds adding a little weight for round 3 and 45 muscle cleans from the hang5 clean high pulls 5 power position power clean5 hang from the knee power cleansStrength – build up throughout, see notes below about when to stop adding weight Power Position Power Clean3×3then,Hang Power Clean Above the Knee4×3 Drop and...Read More
Wod and little different kind of test todayWarm up4 Rounds 5 pull ups10 squats 4-10 ghd sit ups depending on experience. Wod 1- this is not a test wod, quality reps over speed. good day to try chest to bars if you can string a few together15 Minutes 12 Box Jump Overs 24/20″10 Burpees to...Read More
Next 7 week cycle starts today. Focus lifts are the Sumo Deadlift and positional work on the clean. Also going to be seeing some bench press along with all our other lifts.On deadlift days we will be working on our beach muscles as well to change things up. Abs, triceps, biceps and a lot of...Read More
Partner wodWod 1- 10 Minutes split how you want20 D-balls over the shoulder 10 Burpees Wod 210 minutes split how you want20 single arm DB thruster 50/3520 pull upsWod 35 Minutes of man makers for repsRead More
Endurance with a partner one partner working at a time100 Burpees2500 meter row50 Burpees 2500m ski25 Burpees800m run together. Time stops when both partners are back9am and 10am3 Rounds for time of:400m run15 Thrusters, 95/652 Rounds for time of:40 Hand-release Push-ups20 Deadlifts, 225/1554 Rounds for time of:25 foot Handstand Walk (or 10 hspu or 10...Read More
Warm up200m Run20 Power pos. power snatch200m run20 hang pos. power snatch Take the next 15 minutes to work up to a heavier double hang snatch. The wod is 24 Minutes so we are starting that at :30 after each class Wod-Amrap 24 Minutes10 Toes to Bar10 Hang Power Snatches 75/55250 meter row or skiRest...Read More
Every 2 Minutes for 8 Minutes100m Run10 Scap Pull Ups5 Ring Rows 8 DB Snatches (lighter than workout weight)Retest Gymnastics Retest3 Max Sets of Strict Pull UpsRest 3:00 between attempts First set must be a true max rep set.Retest Metcon Retest- last tested Wednesday April 21st “Cardio-B”For TimeRun 300m20 Alt. DB Snatches 50/35lbsRun 300m30 Alt....Read More
750m Row:(250m moderate, 250m HARD, 250m easy)Then,10 Strict Press5 Good Mornings10 Push Press5 Good Mornings10 Split Jerks w/ Puase in dip and catch 5 Good MorningsStrengthFind a 1RM Split JerkWod 10 Minute AMRAP10 Clean and Jerks 135/95lbs 20 Box Jump Overs 24/20″Target score 3 Plus rounds Firebreather 6 roundsTips- Eliminating all unnecessary movement in all...Read More