Endurance partners0-15 minutes, row for cals switching every 10.15-30 quick transition then ski for cals switching every 1030-35- max burpees over a bar split how you want9am crossfit (there is no 10am Saturday class for now)Going to try something different this week. Teams of 2 In Teams of 2AMRAP 24 Minutes10 Synchro Pull Ups15 Synchro...Read More
3 Rounds200m run12 Cossack Squats3 Inch WormsThen3 Minutes banded glute activationStrength Sumo Deadlift 3×9Remember your 5 rep max from the beginning of the cycle? You should be getting close to or past that weightWodOn a 12 Minute Clock12 Empty Bar Curls12 DB Bench Presses 12 Weighted Sit UpsExtra Outside- If you arent going full send...Read More
No 5am or 6am class tomorrow because of the storm. Check back or message to see about 9 or 10. we will open as soon as possible. 8 Rounds10 Double Unders5 Ring Rows10 Empty Bar OHS 2 Inch WormsStrength 12 Minutes to build up to and slightly past your snatch weight for the wodWod AMRAP...Read More
***Keep checking back. we will most likely be closed for the afternoon classes as the weather is supposed to get worse. Warm up Every 2 Minutes for 8 Minutes200m Run10 Russian KB Swings In the remaining time perform a wallsitStrength- build to 80 percent on your power cleans in 6 sets 3 (or less) including...Read More
Regular hours todayWarm up 1:00 hang from the barThen400m Run20 OHS with pvc18 Scap Pull Ups16 Scap Push Ups14 Gymnastic Kips12 DB Push Presses 20 OHS with PVCStrength SkillBar muscle up or pull up progression practice. This can mean build strength through ring row for newer athletes up to practicing holding tighter gymnastics positions if...Read More
4 Rounds for Time with a partner split how you want 300 meter Run Together with wall ball24 Toes-to-Bars24 burpees 24 wall balls24 Hand Release Push-Ups24 calorie row or ski24 Air Squats7/4/17767 movements, 4 rounds, 1776 reps if you count each meter of the run as a repRead More
Bill’s Birthday Workout for both the 8am endurance class and the 9am crossfit classHappy Birthday Bill“The Bill”64 doubles or 64×3 singles64 sit ups64 wall balls64 cal row64 Dballs over shoulder 64 atl db snatches64 air squats 640 meter run or skiRead More
warm up3 round5 empty bar hang clean (add weight through 3 rounds)5 front squats5 kip swings 5 knee raises strict200m runStrength/form focusFront squats – use this as a warm up to your workout. 5 sets of 4 for quality- if you start to round your back, knees dive in, elbows drop or any other breakdown...Read More
Warm up800m Run:60 Wallsit March:40 Deadhang From Rig20 Cossack SquatsStrengthSumo Deadlift 3×12Go heavier than your 15 last week. first two sets are to build, we are getting in lower reps now so warm up sets can be a little heavierWorkout *100 percent to get your muscles pumped and burning. 10-20-30-20-10Empty Bar Back SquatsEmpty Bar Pendlay...Read More