Tuesday December 28th

Lat Smash 2:00 / Side
Straight Through
20 Box Step Ups
10 Alternating DB Snatch
15 Box Jumps
10 Alternating DB Snatch
5 Burpee Box Jumps 

Toes to Bar Warm Up
15 Scap Pull Ups
12 Gymnastic Kips (Build to bigger, and bigger kips)
9 Kip w/ Knees Up
6 Knees Up with a Kick
EMOM 3 Minutes 3-8 Toes to Bar

Gymnastics Re-Test

Gymnastics Re-test (last performed the week of 11/15, check your score)
AMRAP 6 Minutes
40 DB Snatches 50/35lbs
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″
Max Rep Toes to Bar in remaining time

Rest 3:00
AMRAP 5 Minutes
30 DB Snatches 50/35lbs
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″
Max Rep Toes to Bar in remaining time

Rest 3:00
AMRAP 4 Minutes
20 DB Snatches 50/35lbs
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″
Max Rep Toes to Bar in remaining time

Score is total Toes to Bar Scaled: Use a 35/20lb DB, a 20/16″ box, and may perform Kipping Knee Raises.

Feel: Gas/Muscle Overload

Pacing: Sustain

Target Score: 60+ Toes to bar (More reps than test week Week of 11/15)

Firebreather Score: 120+ Toes to bar (More reps than test week Week of 11/15)


  • DB Snatches: Reduce weight of DB before reducing repetitions
  • BBJO: Reduce height of box before reducing reps
  • Toes to Bar: Kipping knee raises or V-Ups (should be same version as test week)

Coach Focus: We have spent Phase 3 building capacity in the toes to bar and today’s the day to showcase all of that hard work. Prior to starting coaches should ask their to check their log-books for their previous score as well as any notes they took from test week before embarking on this retest. This workout should be performed the exact same way as test week (Week of 11/15). If this is an athlete’s first time performing this workout, we are looking for approximately 2 Minutes at the end of each round for Toe to Bar.