Lifting warm up
It’s retest week. Did the holidays throw you off. We are about to find out!
Barbell warmup
Then Last day of snatching
3 reps @ 70%
2 @ 75%
1 @ 80%
1 @ 75%
then, continue climbing upward to a new 1RM. The final, lighter single is intended to make the bar feel a bit lighter and force athletes to perform a mini “wave” as we’ve done in the previous 6 weeks.
Choose Cardio or Accessory:
For Time
100 Unbroken Wallballs to 10/9′
Choose a weight that allows you to perform 100 unbroken. Rx athletes should shoot for 20/14lbs or heavier.
Scaled Option: 70 reps to 9/8′
3 Rounds for Quality
:90 DB or KB Farmer’s Hold
40 S-Leg Glute Bridges (20/leg)
:90 Wall Sit Farmer’s hold should be heavy, but doable in 1 set. Rx would be 70/50lbs or heavier.