2 Rounds with a PVC pipe:200m Row10 PVC Good Mornings10 PVC Snatch Balances Right into:2 Rounds with an empty bar:200m Row10 Back Rack Push Press10 Overhead Squats *All with the empty barEvery 2 Minutes for 14 Minutes (7 sets)Rounds 1-2: 3 Tall Squat SnatchRounds 3-4: 3 Power Position Squat Snatch Rounds 5-7: 3 Hang Squat...Read More
Warm up 3:00 banded glute activationThen20 Spiderman Lunges200m Run20 DB Snatch200m Run 20 Goblet LungesStrength 2 sets of 9 front squats Start at 60-65 percent for your first setLast set should be as heavy as possible. This strength session will be a total of 5 or 6 sets. This is how this works. Do your...Read More
Test 3! 20 Band Pull Aparts2:00 Banded Glute Activation15 Scap Pull Ups1:30 Squat Hold10 Gymnastic Kips1:00 Row for Calories* Conditioning Test “Field of Screams”AMRAP 19 Minutes19/17 Calorie Row17 Thrusters 100/70lbs15 Toes to BarScaled VersionAMRAP 19 Minutes19/17 Calorie Row17 Thrusters 70/50lbs 15 Knee RaisesThis will suck. Athletes performing the Rx version should be able to do...Read More
Test week. Test 2 todayfun oneWarm up2 Rounds300m Run8 Light DB ManmakersRing Dip Skill3 sets: :02-:05 Ring Support Hold2 sets: 2-3 Support Holds + Negatives2 sets: 2-4 Ring Dips HSPU Skill– 2 sets of 20 second HS Hold– 3-5 Negatives w/ Tripod Focus– 3-5 Sets of 3-6 Kipping HSPU** not going upside down? no problem....Read More
New Cycle Starts today! Focus lift is the squat clean. Today is an all lifting day. Take your time between lifts and make sure you are -setting up properly-hitting all the positions we have been practicing during the past few weeks-keeping the bar bath straight-opening your hips all the way up before pulling yourself under...Read More
Sunday Funday Partner Workout: Split the work how you want.30-20-10 RepsThruster 135/95 INT-115/75 BEG-95/55Bar Facing BurpeeREST 5 MINUTES40-30-20Power Clean 155/105 INT-135/95 BEG-95/75Hand Release Push upsREST 5 MINUTES3 Rounds40/30 Bike Calories7 Ring Muscle-ups INT-BAR MUSCLE UPS-sub 12 burpee pull ups per round if you are still working on muscle upsRead More
8am Endurance with a partnerone partner working at a time75 Burpees2500 meter row50 Burpees2500m ski25 Burpees800m run together. Time stops when both partners are back9am crossfitAMRAP 24 Minutes in Teams of 3, waterfall styleP1: 100m Odd Object Carry*P2: Max Calorie Bike P3: RestOn go, Partner 1 performs the OO carry. Once P1 returns from their...Read More
3:00 of Glute Activation30 Kettlebell Taters2:00 of Banded Ankle Mobility30 Jump Squats 1:00 of a Front Squat Hold*Banded ankle mobility video hereStrength- Find 1RM front squatCheck this video outWodFor TimeRun 300m30 Box Jump Overs 24/20″15 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 115/75lbs15 Thrusters 115/75lbs 7 Minute Cap Feel: Gas Pacing: Reach Target Score: Sub-7 Firebreather Score: Sub-4...Read More
“Wall of Shame” retest day. remember this one? restest from June 10th warm up10 PVC Pass Throughs15 Scap Push Ups20/15 Calorie Row15 Empty Bar OHS10 PVC Pass Throughs Strength 15 Minutes to warm up to and build up and past the weight you will be using for the wod. Use time between sets to stretch...Read More
Barbell warm up3 rounds 10 deadlifts 10 hand power cleans10 Power cleans*add weight each round but don’t go over 95/65 for warm up, you are going to have plenty of time to build up during the actual strength portion Find a 1RM of the following complex: DeadliftHang Power CleanPower Clean *Hang clean may be above...Read More