6 Inch WormsThen,4 Rounds100m Run5 Ring Rows 10 Russian KB Swings (Heavy)Strength- Build up to a deadlift for the wod. take 6 sets of 4 to get there. Find a partner using the same weight for the wodWod20 rounds for time (10 each) you go, i goOne partner finsihes one round, then the other partner...Read More
20 Band Pull ApartsThen,Every 3 Minutes for 9 Minutes200m Run7 R. Arm DB Thrusters7 L. Arm DB Thrusters10 Hollow Rocks Max Box Step Ups in remaining time10 minutes of wod prep (building up thruster weight and practicing toes to bar)Then Retest from Wednesday July 28th“Field of Screams”Conditioning Retest“Field of Screams”AMRAP 19 Minutes19/17 Calorie Row17 Thrusters...Read More
Retest week and nice big surprise in programming next week…. Hope you are ready to get your “games” workouts onGet through this warm up, we want to get barbells in your hands3 Rounds:30 Easy Pace on a Machine:25 Moderate Pace:05 SPRINT Then2 Rounds10 KB Taters12 Cossack Squats 10 Push Ups Then Lifting Re-test Squat Clean1×3...Read More
If you are doing this with a partner BOTH do the run, pull ups— squats and cleans can be splitHero Workout Hot Shots 19Six rounds for time of:30 Squats135 pound Power clean, 19 reps7 Strict Pull-upsRun 400 meters On June 20, 2013, nineteen members of the Granite Mountain Hotshots firefighting team tragically lost their lives...Read More
Endurance Sometimes we have to run…… With a partner Complete 8x400m run (4 each, you go, i go) Then2000 on ski or rower split how you wantThen 2000 on the machine you didnt use the first timeThen 8x400m (4 each, you go i go) 9am Wod AMRAP 20 MinutesRun 800m15 Wall Walks9 Rope Climbs15 OH...Read More
400m Run20 Leg Swings, per leg (Front-to-Back)20 Empty Bar RDLs20 Scap Push UpsThen,2:00 Wrist Stretch 1:00 Handstand HoldStrength/skill1:00 Shoulder Taps from High PlankRest 1:00:30 Handstand HoldRest 1:001:00 of Shoulder Taps from HS HoldRest 1:001:30 of Freestanding HS Practice The purpose of the freestanding HS practice is to further familiarize athletes with finding their balance upside...Read More
30 Band Pull Aparts (15 palms up, 15 palms down)Then,12-8-4AAB Calories (10-6-4 for females) DB Push Press Strength/skillAMRAP 7 Minutes Max Sets of 3 UB Strict HSPURest: As little as possible between setsFor athletes with the ability to perform consistent strict HSPU, 3, 2, or 1 reps is 100% acceptable. For athletes without the ability...Read More
Warm Up2:00 Couch StretchThen,400m Run40 Wallballs (Goal is UB)400m Run (Faster than 1st 400m Run)Then, 10 Power Positions Pause Hang Squat CleansStrength. Last one before restest. If you are feeling good go for it because the option to retest in on labor day. going to run the Hero Wod Hot Shots 19 this year on...Read More