Start today off with a short run- 5 minutes, stop every minute and do 10 airsquats Then go into this run workout 7 sets of 200m sprints with a minute rest between. These won’t be an all out sprint… especially on the last few sets but keep the pace ups *Not everyone loves running, thats...Read More
Warm up3 rounds 100 m run10 squats with a one second hold at the bottom10 push upsStrength Front squats, dumbbell or barbell5 sets, reps will depend on weight you have heavier weight go for lower reps like 5 or 7, lighter weights 10-12 reps Wod- Barbell version 5 rounds for time Run 200 Meters6 Power...Read More
Warm up-50 High knees 50 Butt kicks 25 Push ups25 rows with barbell or dumbbell Strength- Tempo Superset Barbell or dumbbell 5 sets of 6 to 10 reps (going for failure) depending on how much weight you have of Strict press, straight into bent over row (both movements make 1 set) The tempo for both...Read More
Warm up 3 Rounds 20 Doubles or jumping jacks 10 Air squats 10 Lunges Go through each movement weighted for a few reps before you start the workout Fun one today, hope you are ready to be sore. Not overly concerned about a score today, just make sure you are working the entire 30 seconds....Read More
Warm up 3 rounds 100m Run10 Push ups10 Hang power cleans Feel free to switch between hand stand push ups, pikes, and regular push ups. Be careful. Don’t become a fail video. ****If you are unable to keep a decent pace on handstand push ups, that’s when you want to switch to regular push ups...Read More
Extra running workout! Run 1 mile, Rest 4 minutes, run 1 mile, rest 4 minutes, run 1 mileWorkout 30 Dumbbell snatch alternating 40 sit ups50 Burpees over your DB40 sit ups30 Db snatches Rest 3 Minutes 30 DB push press right arm30 DB rows right arm (or 15 pull ups)30 Db push press left30 Db...Read More
Warm up 5 Minute slow run40 squats 30 push ups20 rows or pull ups Friday Run Day! Go for a few short controlled sprints so you dont pull a hammy. We want you to complete this running sequence4x400m with 2 minute breaks in between. What is this suppsoed to feel like? go all out on...Read More
Warm up20 push ups50 Jumping jacks3 Minutes run50 jumping jack20 Push ups Barbell or dumbbell strength-5 sets of strict presses- Weight and reps will depend on what weights you have on hand. Do five sets of presses to failure. Even with a single dumbbell you should be able to work to failure pretty quickly with...Read More
Warm Up-3 Minute Run 3 rounds for time5 push ups10 pull ups or rows15 squats Strength-BarbellIf you have access to bar lets go through 5 sets of 7 back squats OR front squats at about 70 percent. If you don’t have weights to get to 70 percent simply slow your reps down.. 3 seconds down,...Read More
Warm up-4 Rounds 200M Run10 Overhead squats with pvc pipe or broom stickit’s time to start working on these overhead squats, you have time now. See the video below“Nancy” DB version 5 Rounds for Time:400m Run15 Single Arm DB OHS 50/35 (Switch sides whenever)*If you lack the mobility to complete the DB Overhead squat, you...Read More