It’s Open Season. Check games.crossfit.com for the workout of the day

There is a longer post on the facebook page but here is the lowdown

-have fun!

-Know the workout before you get here if you are registered. That’s your responsibility as much as it the coaches.

-regular class times at 5am, 6am, 9am, 10am. The workout will be the open workout. If you ARE NOT signed up for the open its just another day of working out. You don’t need a judge to count for you. Come in and get your workout done. If you are signed up we will pair up and have judges.

-NO OPEN WODS during open gym hours if you are registered. I won’t validate any scores of open wods done during open gym. Be part of a class or friday night lights. It’s cool. Be part of the community

-FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS!! The best time to do the open workout is Friday night. Bring family, friends and food and drink. We will put up barriers around the workout floor and run heats of the open, complete with judges, until everyone is done. Gym opens at 4, last heat is 6:30

-Let’s not drag this into Monday with 2nd,3rd and 4th attempts. If you miss class Friday you can do the open Wod Saturday from 8am to 10am or Sunday from 9am to 10am but YOU are responsible for arranging a judge. Don’t message the coaches and ask them to come in off normal hours. They all already put a lot of free time into the gym and like i said i wont validate scores of wods done off hours.

-Don’t do anything to hurt yourself. You’re at the gym to make life better outside the gym.

-if you make it to next round of the open (i believe its the top 10 percent) we will accommodate those workouts as they tend to take up more space and be a little more complicated and might need some time/space set aside.


1:00 PVC Pass Throughs


Every 2 Minutes for 8 Minutes

8/6 Bike Calories

6 S-Arm DB Power Clean>Squat Clean*

20 Single Unders>Double Unders**

**Snatch Positional work w/ Empty Barbell

High Pull

Power Position


Power Snatch


EMOM 10 Minutes
1 Power Snatch @ 70-80%

:40 WOD
AMRAP 6 Minutes
4 S-Arm DB Squat Cleans 70/50lbs
12 Push Ups
24 Double Unders

Target Score: 4+ Rounds


– S-Arm DB Squat Clean: Scale weight before reps. If the dynamic extension and

pull under the DB is limiting, scale to a goblet squat.

– Double Unders: Should be no longer than :30, have athletes accumulate :30 of

doubles each round or :30 of singles.


2 Rounds
100 M Run
Line Drills (25 ft distance each skill)

-Butt Kicks

-High Knees

-Walk on Toes

All performed on your weakest machine:

4:00 Machine

Rest 1:00

3:00 Machine

Rest 1:00

2:00 Machine

Rest 1:00

1:00 Machine

Rest 1:00

1:00 Machine

Rest 1:00

2:00 Machine

Rest 1:00

3:00 Machine

Rest 1:00

4:00 Machine

Pacing: Sustain

Target Score: As consistent as possible

Coach Focus: Today will be all about athletes spending time on a machine

they feel they need to work on with the goal of learning how to pick an

appropriate pace and stick with it. The total working time is 20 minutes

with a short 1:00 rest between to keep intensity higher than going

straight through. Athletes should be instructed to hold a consistent

average pace across all intervals. Row/ski can use a 5k pace for

reference and Bikers can use a 10k pace as reference.


On your own clock –

Alternating Every Minute on the Minute for

6:00 (twice through)

1- 6 Left Leg Pistols

2- 6 Right Leg Pistols

3- 6 Alternating Leg Pistols

Not there with pistols yet? Try these modifications.

Athletes may grab the toes, use the rig for assistance, “toe tap” forwards, backwards etc., curtsy pistols, box pistols etc. for scaling options.

Tuesday 2/14


AMRAP 7 Minutes

3 Inch Worms

5 Burpees

10 Ring Rows

5 Burpees


AMRAP 1:00 x 5

Max Wall Walks

Rest 1:00

*For athletes developing the skill choose:

– Max Scaled Wall Walks

– Max wall walk progression*

*wall walk progression= From top of push up, 2 plank

shoulder taps + one push up

:35 WOD

Until 120 Shoulder to OH are completed, alternating
minutes with a partner:

12 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Max Shoulder to Overhead 155/105lbs in remainder
of the minute.

*One partner works at a time, pairs are working
until a combined total of 120 STOH have been completed.
****KEEP TRACK OF YOUR PULL UP COUNT- Watch the high volume today. 60+ is getting to be too many. scale back the reps. YOU DONT WANT TO RIP TODAY. ITS OPEN WEEK. you also don’t want extremely sore arms and lats

Time Cap 16 Minutes

Target Score: Sub 16 Minutes (average at least 8+ STOH per interval)


– Chest to Bar: Chin over bar pull-ups, jumping chest to bar/chin over bar

– STOH: Adjust weight to allow for 8+ reps taking the bar off the floor. DBs may be

subbed if front rack mobility is a safety concern.

Monday 2/13


With a partner, 3 rounds each

P1: 20 Wallballs

P2: Air Bike

Partners switch when wallballs are complete.

Use a light enough ball to allow for 20 reps

unbroken every round.


Back Squat- Last week of work on the 5×5’s. We know a lot of you had a successful cycle and have already hit a new 5 rep max.


Rest 3-5 minutes between sets

Set 1: 95%

Sets 2-4: 95-100%+

Set 5: 95%

All % based on 5RM.

EXTRA … Bro Reps Don’t Count

Seated Alternating DB Hammer Curl 4 sets: 10 reps

Stay with a weight that will allow for control and minimal kipping of reps. Sit on the edge of a bench or surface that will allow for the hands to be lowered to the sides of the body rather than being stopped by the surface that athlete is sitting on.

Standing KB Crush Grip Bicep Curl 4 sets: 10 reps

-In a standing position, take a KB and grasp it between both hands around the bell portion (not the handles). Palms will be facing each other on either side of the bell. Be mindful of the positioning of the handles so they don’t hit the face. Curl the KB up and then lower, stopping just before tension is lost in the biceps.

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