WOD wars wods….. Kind of

Teams of 2

Wod 1

Double Dt


Wall balls, toes to bar, pull ups


KB snatches, bar or farmer carry




8am endurance- good old fashioned 400m x 10 on the post office road

9am mobility

10am-11:30 open gym and WOD posted

11:30 new you class- competitors please have your open attempts finished by 11:30 (more…)

Warm up and stretch.

Cardio day

Mile Time Trial. Go all out


1000 meter row buy in

30 cals on the bike

Then 5 rounds

10 push ups

15 sit-up

2o air squats

Strength-front squats 5 sets of 4. 2 second pause at the bottom of each rep.

Metcon (Time)

For Time:
10 Shoulder to Overhead (95/65)
50 Air Squats
20 STOH (95/65)
40 Air Squats
30 STOH (95/65)
30 Air Squats
40 STOH (95/65)
20 Air Squats
50 STOH (95/65)
10 Air Squats


Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5


4 rounds for time:

15 ring dips

30 situps

40 double unders

1 492 493 494 495 496 517