8am endurance- good old fashioned 400m x 10 on the post office road 9am mobility 10am-11:30 open gym and WOD...
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Warm up and stretch. Cardio day Mile Time Trial. Go all out WOD 1000 meter row buy in 30 cals...
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Strength-front squats 5 sets of 4. 2 second pause at the bottom of each rep. Metcon (Time) For Time: 10...
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Strength Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5 WOD 4 rounds for time: 15 ring dips 30 situps 40 double unders
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Strength Back Squat 5 sets of 7 Heavier than your sets of 10 last week. warm up to this. Wod...
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