1200M Partner row.. switch every 200
Grab a bar. Go over Hang Power Cleans
Do 10 every minute for 2 minutes as a class
Go over Push jerk
Do 10 every minute for 20 minutes

Review the Deadlift

Strength DEAD LIFT (en espanol – pesos muertos)
(Use 90 percent of your 1 rep max, the same number you used last week, the percentages are just higher)
AMRAP at 90%

The following wod should be a sprint for everyone! GO GO GO GO. The run and time cap shorten for the second wod.

WOD  1
7 Minute Amrap (sclaling to pick a weight you can barely go unbroken with)
5 deadlifts 135/95 for all
5 Hang Power cleans
5 Push jerks
Run 200m

Wod 2- 5 minutes
5 push jerks 135/95
5 hang power cleans
5 deadlifts
Run 100m

Bike 10 Minutes with a partner switch every minute
Quickly review the strict press

Review the Overhead squat (EMPTY BAR OF PVC) Perform 20 OHS and figure out if you are going to front squat or OHS for the wod
This excerpt is directly from the CrossFit Journal

“Start only when you have a strong squat and use a dowel or PVC pipe, not a weight. You should be able to maintain a rock-bottom squat with your back arched, head and eyes forward, and body weight predominantly on your heels for several minutes as a prerequisite to the overhead squat. Even a 15-pound training bar is way too heavy to learn the overhead squat.”

Strength Strict Press
(Use 90 percent of your 1 rep max, the same number you used last week, the percentages are just higher)
AMRAP at 90%

Wod 4 Rounds For time
10 OHS (or 12 Front squats) 155/105
10 HSPU (sub heavy dumbbell press or 30 second holds)
10 Burpees
2 Rope climbs (sub 6 Pulls)

Intensity Over Volume. Don’t take my word for it. Take CrossFit Headquarters word for it…. after all.. they have only been doing this 2000 and have billions of dollars on the line figuring out the best way to “forge elite fitness”
Hq Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9b6mMMMEug

Warm Up-
5 Minute bike, meet at the board after
Review and warm up for the misfits clean complex. (Power Clean, Push Jerk,  Front Squat. Hang Squat Clean, Split Jerk

go over points of performance for a power clean
2 minute EMOM 8 power clean
review points of performance for push jerk
2 Minute emom of 8 push jerks
review points of performance of front squats
2 Minute emom of 8 front squats
review hang squat clean
2 Minute emom of 8 hang squat clean
review split jerk
2 minute emom of 8 split jerks

You should be warm by now
20 Minutes to find you max of this complex without putting the bar down
1 power clean
1 push jerk
1 Front squat
1 hang squat clean
1 split jerk

8 Rounds For time
25 Doubles (50 singles)
10 Kettle bell swing
1 Sled push

Warm up-
750 Meter row
30 Pass Throughs
30 Good mornings with Pvc
30 Air squats
Review Pistol progressions. ** Choose your option for the workout at this time
Review Handstand walk options (handstand holds, or bear crawls, no handstand push ups subs today)
Review Toes to bar options (knee raises, sit ups)

Strength Back Squat
Back Squat (Use 90 percent of your 1 rep max, the same number you used last week, the percentages are just higher)
AMRAP at 90%

Wod 16 Minute Amrap
12 Pistols (6 each leg) (Sub pistols to a bench or one of the scaling options shown OR 24 air squats
25 foot handstand walk (sub 50 foot bear crawl or 30 second handstand hold against the wall)
10 Toes to bar (15 knee raises or 15 situps)
Run 200M



Sunday Funday- Teams of 3

Wod 1-
(one partner planks, one partner wall balls, one partner rests)
As many sets as possible of 10 wall balls… in 8 minutes
one teammate does 10 wall balls, one planks, one rests.. .
Wall ball person to moves to rest, rest person moves to plank, plank person moves to wall ball..

Wod 2 outside-

10 minute as many rounds as possible
5 kettle bell swings
3 buprees
100 meter run
tag the next person in


Wod 3- 12 Minutes Amrap. Split the work however you want, one person works at a time.
21 Thrusters
21 Slam balls
21 Push ups

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