Warm Up 5 Minutes of bike. Meet at the board quick before you finish the rest of the warm up
Review the SDHP and The push press,
Finish warm up with empty bar
3 rounds
10 Push Press
Run 200M

5 Sets of 6 push press.. yes that’s a lot. you will be fine. Warm up to a heavy weight then use that heavy for all 5 sets. Keep it moving!

3 rounds of:
1 minute of sumo deadlift high pulls
1 minute of GHD sit-ups
1 minute of push presses
1 minute of GHD sit-ups
Rest 1 minute

Men: 95 lb.
Women: 65 lb.

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CrossFit WOD 180523 Tips With Rory McKernan
Midline Stabilization: The GHD Sit-Up

Reduce the loads on the weightlifting movements and modify the GHD sit-ups. The full-range-of-motion GHD sit-up is a potent exercise, and this workout presents high volume. Intermediate athletes might want to shorten the range, while newer athletes can avoid the GHD completely in this workout.

Intermediate Option
3 rounds of:
1 minute of sumo deadlift high pulls
1 minute of GHD sit-ups, to parallel
1 minute of push presses
1 minute of GHD sit-ups, to parallel
Rest 1 minute

Men: 75 lb.
Women: 55 lb.

Beginner Option
3 rounds of:
1 minute of sumo deadlift high pulls
1 minute of sit-ups
1 minute of push presses
1 minute of sit-ups
Rest 1 minute

Men: 45 lb.
Women: 35 lb.

All Weightlifting day Today

Grab a bar for your warm up-
0-2 Minutes- 10 clean grip high pulls from the power position
2-4 Minutes 8 power position power cleans
4-6 Minutes 8 Hang position power cleans
6-7 minutes 8 hang position squat cleans
7-8 Minutes 8 Sqaut cleans from the shin.
8-9 minutes- 10 split jerks

For the rest of class work through the following

Clean And Jerk (Weights are 75-80 percent of your one rep max, work your way up
3+3, 2+2, 2+1, 2+1, 2+1, 2+1.

Feeling scared and confused by the numbers above. Dont call 1-800 Ask Gary, Just read below or ask a coach to help
3+3 means 3 cleans plus 3 jerks, so just do 3 clean and jerks
2+1 means do 2 cleans plus 1 Jerk.. so just do a clean, another clean, then a jerk. Easy right?

Next Move onto 3 sets of Romanian Deadlifts at 100 percent of your clean and jerk max

Next move onto Push jerks from the Rack
5 sets of 3 at 80 percent of your clean and jerk max

Finish the day with 100 sit ups

Happy Birthday Alison!

Warm up- Session 15 of squats milk, you have 1 session left, with an option to do 2 more if you want to keep going
4o Air Squats with a 1 second pause at the bottome
Start your warm up sets for squats and milk, 15 minutes to finish.
If you are not doing squats and milk please FRONT SQUAT 5×5 heavy

Get your boxes out for the wod between sets

– Before we start, meet at the board to go over movements.
* Box step overs weighted are deceivingly difficult

Regionals Event 5

For time:
50 handstand push-ups
50 toes-to-bars
50-cal. bike
50 dumbbell box step-overs
50-ft. right-arm dumbbell overhead lunge
50-ft. left-arm dumbbell overhead lunge

Men: 70-lb. dumbbells, 24-in. box (we only have 70 pound kb if you want to go rx)
Women: 50-lb. dumbbells, 20-in. box

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CrossFit WOD 180520 Tips With Rory McKernan
Scaling the Handstand Push-Up (Pike Push-Ups)
The Dumbbell Overhead Lunge

This chipper is moderately long and includes some difficult skills. Modify the movements that you struggle with, reduce the reps and choose lighter dumbbells.

Intermediate Option
For time:
35 handstand push-ups
35 toes-to-bars
50-cal. bike
35 dumbbell box step-overs
50-ft. right-arm dumbbell overhead lunge
50-ft. left-arm dumbbell overhead lunge

Men: 50-lb. dumbbells, 20-in. box
Women: 35-lb. dumbbells, 20-in. box

Beginner Option
For time:
30 knee push-ups
30 sit-ups
30-cal. bike
30 box step-overs
100-ft. walking lunge

Teams of 2

Chipper- 40 minute AMRAP. can you finish 1 round and get back to the rower?
1000m Row (split how you want)
800m Run (each run 400m)
70 Bike cals
60 Clean and Jerks 135/95 (split how you want, but try for 30 each, this is going to take a little while)
50 Meter Sled push (down and back once, split how you want. make it heavy)
40 burpees
30 toes to bar
20 Snatches 135/95 if you need to adjust weight compared to the C=J please only use one bar
10 Man Makers

8am Endurance Wod-
It’s been one month since we did this-
8am Endurance- Famous Train Harder Triathlon
1500M row
1 Mile Run
1 Bike Tabata
1000m Row
800m Run
1 Bike Tabata
500M row
400m Run
1 Bike tabata

Write down your bike cals after every tabata. You get to take a second off your time for every cal.

9am Mobility

10am chipper.
1.5 mile run
40 OHS (135/95)
1 Mile Run
30 Front Squats (185/135)
800 M run
20 back squats (225/155)
400 meter run

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