8am- Endurance
Run club! Pick a 3,3.5,4,4.5, or 5 mile run.. at least a half mile longer than last week.

9am Mobility

Option 1. if you dare

Walk one mile with a loaded barbell on your back. We will help you pick the weight. Rx is technically bodyweight but if this is your first time doing this wod, don’t go rx… walk 800 out and 800 back
NO SPLITTING THIS INTO EIGHT 200 Meter walks. Its too tempting to quit if you are by the building. If you are 800 meters out there are only two ways back… walk with barbell or call Uber.

Option 2- Team of 2, as many rounds as possible, just keep on trucking, split work however you want

40 minute Amrap
10 Man Makers
20 cal bike
30 burpees
40 KB swings
50 Wall Balls
60 cal row
70 Sit ups
80 Slam Balls
90 unweighted walking lunges
100 Meter sled push

Warm up

5 Minute of bike.
Lets warm up those hamstrings!
Roll out your lower back on a foam roller for 2 minutes
3 rounds
run 200
15 good mornings with an empty bar

Quickly review deadlift
Put 10 pound plates on your bar. we will review deadlift set up as a class, (chest up, pinch shoulders together, eyes up, flat back)
Do 20 perfect deadlifts with 10 pound plates on your bar then start loading

6 sets of 3 deadlifts is the strength
all 6 sets at the same weight. Take 4 to 5 sets to build to that weight

4 rounds for time
Run 400
5 ring muscle ups (or 5 bar mu, ring is rx)
10 deadlifts 225/155
25 Double unders (75 singles)

4 rounds
Run 400
12 pull ups (or 20 ring rows)
10 deadlifts 135/95
50 Singles

Y’all going to learn today! Learn to overhead squat and snatch
Row 500 Meteres to get a little warm. Then together as a class
2 minutes of ankle mobility together (sit in a full squat and rest the bar on the top of your legs)
2 minutes (each wrist) of wrist mobility (bent wrist against floor)

Going through these positions helps EVERYONE! Learn them, until you have them perfect. nobody moves perfect, so in other words… practice.

0-1 minute 20 Overhead squats with a pvc pipe
1-2 minutes 10 overhead squats with a empty barbell
2-3 minutes- 7 snatch grip high pulls
3-4 minutes- 7 power position power snatch
4-5 minutes- 7 hang position power snatch
5-6 minutes- 5 power snatch from the shin
6-7 minutes- 5 full snatch from the shin

Squat snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Experienced people feel free to max out. Newer people we are going to light weight and high reps. If you can’t overhead squat with weight on the bar, we are taking it off and practicing. Its the right way to learn.

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CrossFit WOD 180620 Tips With Rory McKernan
Josh Everett: Snatch vs. Power Snatch
Chad Vaughn, 285-lb. Snatch

Wod starts at :42 after

14 Minutes Amrap
14 Db snatches
14 Air squats
14 burpees (to a target 6 inches higher than your fully outreached arms overhead)

Warm up
8 Minute Emom
Even minutes 30 seconds bike
Odd Minutes 5 Air squats AND 5 burpees
Grab a bar- 2 sets of 10 empty bar front squats with a one second hold at the bottom.

Strength- 5 sets of 3 front squats. This should be heavier than the sets of 5 you did last week. USE THE SAME HEAVY WEIGHT for all 5 sets. you will want to build up to this. Do 3-4 sets at lighter weights first.

4 rounds for time of:
15 GHD sit-ups (25 sit ups)
30 thrusters
45 double-unders (90 singles)

Men: 65 lb.
Women: 45 lb.

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CrossFit WOD 180619 Tips With Rory McKernan
Midline Stabilization: The GHD Sit-Up

This workout is light and quick. The dose of GHD sit-ups is relatively low, so this is a good opportunity for intermediate athletes to get some exposure to the GHD. Beginners should stick with AbMat sit-ups. Reduce the load on the thrusters so you can do 30 unbroken.

Intermediate Option
4 rounds for time of:
10 GHD sit-ups
30 thrusters
45 double-unders

Men: 45 lb.
Women: 35 lb.

Beginner Option
3 rounds for time of:
15 sit-ups
30 squats
45 single-unders

We are open from 4pm to 8pm for open gym or Coaches Choice Wod. Heather is the coach making the choices.

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