Don’t be an April Fool and skip a Monday.
You will see some skill EMOMs again this week. Why? Because everyone can benefit from doing them. There are some movements that just take practice, progressions and coaching. 2 minutes before the wod starts is not the time to learn.
Pay attention during the skill sessions so you can use the knowledge to practice on your own. If you already have the skill we are working on (an example is muscle ups this week) then you will use the practice time to do and emom of that skill. It’s and excellent way to get better.

Warm Up
8 minute bike
Other partner holds a hollow body or hollow body rock
Switch every minute

Review split jerk with EMOM
Minute 1 5 Bent Split
Minute 2 7 Splits not bar
Mintue 3 6 push press
Minutes 4 6 split jerk

Split Jerk 5-5-5-3-3-2-2
points of performace: footwork, timing, foot spacing.

For Time 1 to 10
Cleans 155/110

So 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4, all the way up to 10.
Its 55, reps of each, scale accordingly.

Hero Wod again this sunday

Dallas 5
5 Mins of burpees
1 min rest
5 mins of 7 deadlifts 155/110
7 box jumps
1 min rest
5 mins ME Turkish Get Ups 53/35
1 min rest
5 mins 7 snatches 75/55
7 push ups
1 min rest
5 mins ME Cal Row

If there are more than 8 people go max effort bike, rower, or erg..all out, this is a hero wod

8am Endurance
5k Run training continues with everyone’s favorite- 400’s
Run 10X400 on the post office road with 2 minute break in between.. pace on your 400’s should be significantly faster than your 5k, but not a sprint

9am Mobility

10am – This is going to be rough, please stick to the time cap
WOD: Teams of 3 45 Min Cap
2 Rounds
30 Bar Facing Burpees
30 Hang Sqt. Clean 95/65
30 T2B
30 Thursters 95/65
150/100 cal bike

After two rounds of the above increase weight and move to this
2 Rounds
30 Bar Facing Burpees
30 Hang Sqt. Clean 115/85
30 T2B
30 Thursters 115/85
100/80 cal bike

After two rounds of the above add weight and move to this
2 Rounds
30 Bar Facing Burpees
30 Hang Sqt. Clean 135/95
30 T2B
30 Thursters 135/95
100/800 cal bike

The Wod Below is for all classes except the 6pm!
We will be having a special Wod at 6 for Torrey’s Birthday. Please come out and celebrate. Wod at 6, food and drinks at 7. Happy Birthday Torrey

Warm Up-
10 Mins Double Under Practice
*if you can consistently get 60+ unbroken doubles practice triples

Power Clean 3×5 70% 3×3 75% 3×2 80%
EMOM Warm Up
1- 10 high pulls
2- 10 Pwr. Pos. Pwr Clean
3- 10 Hang Clean
4- 10 Pwr Clean

For Time
30 UB Doubles
14 Deadlifts 155/125
40 UB Double
7 Deadlifts 185/155
50 UB Doubles
5 Deadlifts 225/185

*the double under in this wod are meant to be unbroken before you move to the deadlifts. If you don’t finish the set unbroken try again. Stick with it until you go unbroken. maximum of 10 tries at each round.

Scaling for singles
75 singles unbroken
100 singles unbroken
125 singles unbroken
*scale DL weight at needed but be sure to go up in weight each round.

If you are just learning jump rope, don’t worry about going unbroken, just finish the number.

Warm up and skill- please be on time so you don’t miss movement demos and progressions for the first emom

25m EMOM:
Minute 1- 6 Floor Press
Minute 2- 10 Pistols
Minute 3- 30 sec Hollow Hold
Minute 4 10 Strict Chin Ups (15 ring rows)
Minute 5- Single Arm OH KB Hold (20 seconds each arm)
Repeat 5 times.

Review rowing technique and damper settings. There’s room for improvement in this area for all of us

18-16-12 Cal Row
100m Run between sets

*this is meant to be short at fast, all out sprint. sprint your runs and rows, we can run two heats of this if we need to.

1 378 379 380 381 382 540