The next open Wod will be announced tonight at 8pm on games.crossfit.com
Let’s do something different today.. a little active recovery for you.
First 15 minutes of class will be mobility, we will start mobility at exactly 5 after the hour

At half past the hour we will start this partner wod. these are all movements that have been in the open so far, so hopefully we won’t see them repeated tomorrow.

In teams of 2, split the work however you want
25 Minute Amrap
50 Wall Balls
50 Calories Row (or bike)
50 Toes to bar (please don’t rip your hands, switch to sit ups)
50 Cleans 135/95
50 Doubles

Warm up
5 Minutes Rowing then
3 rounds
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
*** you can do the strength first, or the wod first
Bench press and curls.. superset.. yes curls
5 sets of 5 bench
In between your sets of bench do alternating dumbbell curls as heavy as possible. 5 sets of 16 (8 each arm)

Wod-all cardio
Run 5k or
Row 5k or
Bike max cals in 30 minutes.

Partner warm up- Run 800 together with a med ball, switch when you want.
Morning classes run 4 “true” 200’s so you don’t have to run through the dirt.
Come back in, find a bike rower and complete 8 rounds of this
Parnter 1- bike or row
partner 2- 10 air squats, hold the bottom of your 10th squat until its time to swtich.
You will each bike/row 4 round and squat 4 rounds

Strength- Back squats-
Increasing in weight
7,7,5,5,3,3 then MAX REPS at your final weight
Percentages will be about 60,65,70,75, and then 80 and for your sets of 3 AND your max reps set. shoot for more than 7 on your max reps, dont give up until your legs give out.


4 rounds for time of:
400-m run
200-m farmers carry

Men: 50-lb. dumbbells
Women: 35-lb. dumbbells

Scroll for scaling options.
Post time to comments.

Pose-Running Drills: Lean and Pull

Choose a set of dumbbells that you can carry 200 meters without setting down when fresh. This workout should be a steady effort. Avoid stopping to rest.

Intermediate Option
4 rounds for time of:
400-m run
200-m farmers carry

Men: 30-lb. dumbbells
Women: 20-lb. dumbbells

Beginner Option
3 rounds for time of:
400-m run
200-m farmers carry

Men: 15-lb. dumbbells
Women: 10-lb. dumbbells

Going to have some fun today everyone… we are going to learn! Learn all about weightlifting!
Warm up-
2 quick rounds of
15 Cals bike or rower
20 pass throughs
20 overhead squats with pvc
10 hang muscle snatches with empty bar
Keep your bar out
Coach led progressions
0-1 Minutes 10 snatch grip high pulls
1-2 Minutes 8 power position power snatches
2-3 Minutes 8 hang position power snatch
3-4 minutes 8 overhead squats
4-5 minutes 8 “squat” snatches from the hang position

You will now have until 45 after the hour to work on hang snatches, power or full, preferably full. You should be getting 25 lifts in (mark it on the floor) minimum, which means your weight will be a little bit on the lower side. The coaches will get to each and every one of you. if you finish early,, just keep going. If you don’t practice these outside the gym, this is your time to practice

Keep your bar out.
Wod is
7 Minutes of Burpees!!! Over your bar
It’s not fancy, it’s not complicated….. its 7 minutes of working your butt off. Let’s see max effort here! Place some bets with your friends to make it more interesting. Who can push hardest longer.. its 90 percent mental.

Partners. Split work how you want

35 Minutes Amrap

25 Cal Assault Bike
25 Wall Balls
25 Kb swings
25 Cal Row
25 Push ups
25 Sit ups

Next round do 24 of each, next round 23, next round 22, next round 21… can you get to 1….. if you do start going back up.

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