Warm up-
800 m run (morning classes run four 200’s so we dont drag dirt in)
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
10 pass throughs

Review press, push press, push jerk…. as a family!

Strict press- Work your way to a 1 rep max, start light, get at least 7 sets to get there. Might look like this after 2 sets of empty bar press
5,5,(60ish %)3,3,3 (working up) 1,1.1+ until you fail
Next Push Press, work your way to a 1 rep max. Start where you left off on your strict press. Add slowly… 2.5s and 5’s, this should be about 7 more sets
Last Push jerk. Start where you left off on push press… add slow, probably lest sets on this one but go until you fail


Running Annie
Double unders
Sit ups
run 400 between each round

if you dont have doubles TRIPLE the number of jump rope

Today is going to be so fun!
Warm up-Let’s try this again-
8 minutes with a partner
1 person bikes 1 minutes
1 person does 10 air squats and the holds the bottom of their list squat until its time to switch

Grab a bar-
Clean progressions
0-1 minute 10 power position clean pulls
1-2 Minutes 8 power position power cleans
2-3 Minutes 6 hang position power cleans
3-4 Minutes 6 from the shin power cleans pause+front squat
4-5 Minutes 4 Full squat cleans

On a 20 minute clock slowly build up to your 3 rep max touch and go power clean. Get at least 6-7 sets include your lighter warm up weights. Thats a set every 3 minutes. No stalling.

3 rounds for max reps: (score is total reps of all 3 rounds)
Power clean for 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds
Power clean for 25 seconds, rest 35 seconds
Power clean for 20 seconds, rest 40 seconds
Power clean for 15 seconds, rest 45 seconds
Power clean for 10 seconds, rest 50 seconds

There is no rest between rounds.

Men: 155 lb.
Women: 105 lb.

Scroll for scaling options.
Post total reps to comments.

The Power Clean

Reduce the loading on the power clean, but maintain a work-rest interval that encourages sprint efforts.

Intermediate Option
3 rounds for max reps:
Power clean for 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds
Power clean for 25 seconds, rest 35 seconds
Power clean for 20 seconds, rest 40 seconds
Power clean for 15 seconds, rest 45 seconds
Power clean for 10 seconds, rest 50 seconds

There is no rest between rounds.

Men: 115 lb.
Women: 80 lb.

Be sure to submit your open scores if you haven’t.
If you want to redo or need to do 19.3 arrange a judge before you get to class. Todays wod is a great example of intensity over volume. The wod should be fast! Pick weights and movement subs that keep you moving very quickly.

Going heavy today. Get nice and warm. No dilly dallying.
:00-:05 Row or bike
At :05 after start the rest of the warm up
2 Rounds
25 squats with a 1 second hold at the bottom
10 strict pull ups (or 20 ring row)
1 Minute of sitting in the bottom of squat sumo stance- chest up, eyes up, back straight, push your knees out with your elbows

Strength, Back squat- New athletes work on sets 7 and form
Experienced athletes have 35 minutes, on a running clock, to work up to their heaviest set of 3. Keep working on this, the more sets the better. 3 minutes rest max between sets

Review the deadlift at the board before the Wod, figure out your pull up


21-15-9 reps for time of:
Pull-ups (sub jumping pull ups, banded pull ups or double reps of ring rows)

Men: 225 lb.
Women: 155 lb

This wod is light-ish and fast. Pick a weight you can do at least 15 of your first 21 unbroken.

So you want to run a 5k? If you are interested, I will be running the Roar Through Ybor on Friday Night April 19th
The next 6 weeks of Endurance class will be programmed to
1. Get you to run your first 5k
2. Try to get a you a PR time on your 5k

Here are the two different training sessions for this week
If you have never run 3 miles without stopping.. do this
Run 10 minutes-rest 5-run 10 minutes. We can scale back from that if we need to.
If you have run 3 miles without stopping do this
8×400 repeats. with 90 seconds rest

9am Mobility

10 Am Partner Wod- split how you want
30 Minute chipper with a twist
Start with 10 burpees
Complete the following
100 Wall Balls
100 Rower Cals
100 Kb swings
100 Back squats (from the rack, everyone should be done with wall balls by this point
100 Dball over the shoulder
100 Bike cals
100 Weighted lunges with your d-balls
*** Here is the twist- Every 2 minutes perform 10 burpees.. split the burpees how you want. If you finish the chipper go back to movement 1.

Check out games.crossfit.com to see todays wod. 19.3

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