We are going to jump right into the warm up at :02 after. Don’t be late for class. Mike will be very upset if you don’t show up today. It’s his birthday. If you are late, jump in where we are at.

Warm Up
12 minute EMOM
Mintues 1-20 OH Walking Lunge with wall ball that you are using for wod Minutes 2-7 Burpee Broad Jumps
Minute 3-10 alternating Single Leg RDL with DB you are using for the wod
Mnute 4-15 Jumping Jacks

Wod “Yeet! Yeet!”
Its Mike I’s 37th Birthday so we need to start this wod with a big old Polk County Yeeee Yeeeee
Buy in run 800m
then 2 rounds
37 cal bike
37 push ups
37 wall balls 30/20
37 double unders
37 alt db snathces
37 cal row

Yeeee Yeeeee

Warm up 3 rounds : 5 Cal Bike, 10 PVC Good Mornings, 15 Air squats

Back Squats
Grab a bar and do 2 sets of 10 empty bar squats
Then 2 sets of 7 working up to your first working weight

Back squat- 5-5-5-3-3-3 work 70 to 85%

Review the Power Snatch. The weight is going to be light and fast.

Wod-(this wod is going to take a little longer than you think, its 75 snatches and over 100 cals of rowing)
5 Rounds
15 Power Snatches (75/55)
21/15 Cal Row

Warm up and Skill

1-30 sec Hollow Body
2- 8 Standing Pike Press
3 5 Inchworms W/Push Up
4- 4 Wall Walks

Get equipment ready for wod
Work 5 minutes with a coach on your toes to bar progressions

Toes to Bar
****Every round starts with 200m run
so run 200, 21 t2b, 21 burpees
run 200 18 t2b, 18 burpees

Warm up
2 rounds 150m Row, 10 PVC Good Mornings, 8 Lunges, 10 doubles or attempts

As a group- We will do 2 sets of 10 deadlifts with only 10’s are on your
On your own do 2-3 more sets to work your way to your first working weight.

Then 5Reps @75% 3@80% 5@75% 3@85% 5@80% 3@90%
Use your correct the percentages. this should be heavy. Don’t “Save it for the wod.” The wod is a sprint

Wod- Review KB snatch before wod- this wod is a sprint
Ring Dips
KB Snatches Alternating (53/35 rx -35/25 int -25/20 beg)
**20 Doubles between Each Round including after the round of 9

Hero Wod
1 Mile Run
21 Clean and Jerks 155/105
800 M Run
21 Clean and Jerks 1 Mile Run

This is going to be tough, scale appropriately.

1 372 373 374 375 376 540