THE GYM IS CLOSED TODAY, Take a rest day before we do the Hot Shots 19 Wod tomorrow!

For those signed up for The Nutrition Challenge make sure you get on the In-Body Scale sometime this week. Any day from Monday to Friday. It is best to do it BEFORE you workout, try to get in early and ask a coach to help you.

We will be open tomorrow class times are: 8-9-10am then 4-5-6-7pm
The workout will be released tonight.

No Push Up Burpee
Post your time to the FB Members Page

Change of plans, gym is OPEN TOMORROW 8 to 11am. Wods will be posted but you can also use it as open gym time!!

We have some members competing at the Tampa Bay Fit Expo at the Tampa Convention Center in several of the events being held there. There is a spectator charge to get into the expo but there are plenty of vendors to check out as well as events to watch. Powerlifting, Jiu-jitsu, CrossFit, Strongman, and Olympic Lifting. Come show your gym fam some support!!

Image may contain: one or more people and people sitting

3 Rounds
1 Minute Stations
-Push Ups
-Sit Ups
-Air Squats
Score is number of TOTAL REPS for all 4 movements through all 3 rounds. Post your score to the FB Members Page.

At home running wod.
Don’t need to measure distance for this one, just need time.
Run 5 Minutes slow, dont stop
1 Minutes fast with 1 minutes rest for 10 round
Then Run 5 minutes slow.. slow means slow.. a pace you can hold a conversation at.

We will be open Monday with select hours.

Warm Up:
15 Minute EMOM
30 second on 30 second rest for all 5
-Mountain Climbers
-Windshield Wipers
-Weighted Hip Bridges
-V Ups
-Heel Touches

3 rounds
75 Double Unders/Singles
50 Air Squats
25/18 Cal Row

Bike Tabata for Max Calories
Lets see who can get top score. The bikes have a setting on them to count a Tabata for you so you won’t have to watch a clock. This will be an all out sprint for those calories.

The Gym is Closed this Weekend (Saturday and Sunday) we will write up some “Home Wods” you can do and post your scores to the Facebook group page. Monday hours are 8,9,10am and 4,5,6,7 pm. We do the Wod Hot shots 19 every labor day.
NUTRITION CHALLENGE STARTS SEPTEMBER 2ND BE READY!!! 5 day ramp up instructions are posted on SugarWod for the challengers. If you have any last minute questions make sure to either ask a coach or post it into the Challenge Group Page.

Warm Up:
3 Rounds 200m Run-Row
7 PVC Good Mornings
6 PVC Back Squats
5 DB Side Bends Each Side

Overhead Squat
2×3 70%
2×3 75%
1×3 80%
1×2 85%

3 rounds
10 DB Box Step Ups RX-50/35 INT-35/25 BEG-No DB
200m Single Arm Farmers Carry
30 Weighted Sit Ups BEG-Normal Sit Ups
1 Minute Rest

Please DO NOT drop the DBs outside, especially the metal ones.

WE ARE CLOSED THIS SATURDAY AND SUNDAY FOR LABOR DAY WEEKEND. We will be open Monday for select hours and will post those hours later this week.
If you are free Saturday there is a Fitness Expo at the Tampa Convention Center. We have a few members competing in the CrossFit Event and Weightlifting event, come support them and check the event out.

Warm Up:
12 Min EMOM
9 Burpees
100m Sprint
20 Double Unders or Singles
6 Empty Bar Floor Press
10 Sit ups
8 Empty Bar RDLs

200m Row
15 Snatches RX-75/55 INT/BEG-65/35
Rest 3 Minutes
12 Air Squats
9 Push Ups
6 Pull ups or 8 Ring Rows
**Weight Vest Optional**

Extra Work:
5x25m Sled Push/Pull
2 Minute Rest Between
Increase weight each round for an extra push

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