8am Endurance:
4x200m with a minute rest- the true 200
2×400 with 2 minute rest
2 mile run

Option 2- Train Harder Triathlon version 2.0

1500M row
1 Mile Run
40 cal bike
1000m Row
800m Run
30 cal bike
500M row
400m Run
20 cal bike

9am Mobility

Image result for mobility and flexibility

10am Workout:
Going Solo Today
6 Rounds
10/7 Bike Calories (Or Rower Cals IF all the bikes are full)
10 Power Snatches 95/65 INT-75/55 BEG-65/45
10 Pull-ups INT/BEG-Any other progression
10/7 Bike Calories
***REST 3 Minutes Between Rounds***

Warm Up:
12 Min EMOM
-8 Bent Over Rows
-10/7 Cal Bike
-9 Barbell Shrugs
-30 Double Unders

Back squat.
5 sets of heavy 3s
Build up to a heavy 3 then perform all 5 working sets at that number.

For time RX
Run 400 m
21 Bar Facing Burpees
Run, 400 m
15 Bar Facing Burpees
Run, 400 m
9 Bar Facing Burpees

For time: Scaled
Run 200m
12 Burpees
Run, 200m
9 Burpees
Run, 200m
6 Burpees

The video below gives some helpful hints on how to make your burpees easier and more efficient. Check it out!!

Warm Up:
2 Rounds
200m Run
6 Broad Jumps
7 Burpees
8 Air Squats

3×5 60%
3×3 65%
3×2 70%

12 Rounds For Time
9 Wall Balls 20/14
1 Clean & Jerk 85% of 1RM INT-75%

Scaling options:
10 rounds For Time
9 Wall Balls 14/10
2 Clean & Jerk 65% of 1RM
***The Clean and Jerk is ONLY 1 REP at time, this is a time to go a little heavier than you usually would in a workout***

Scaling if you are not comfortable working close to your 1 rep max in a wod
10-12 rounds
9 Wall Balls
4-5 Clean and Jerks at 50 percent of 1 rep max.

Warm Up:
3 Rounds
7 Empty Bar Strict Press
6 Empty Bar Bent Over Rows
5 Burpess

3×3 65%
3×3 70%
3×2 75%
2×2 80%

4 Rounds
400m Run
15 Sit ups
12 Strict Pull Ups INT-Kipping Pull Ups BEG-Banded/Jumping/Ring Rows
9 Strict Knees to Elbows INT-Kipping K2E BEG-Knee Raises
The time to aim for is about 15-25 Minutes. Scale accordingly, try to pick a movement progression you can stay with the whole time for this workout.

Warm Up:
3 Rounds
10 squat therapy squats with a 2 second hold at the the bottom.
2 Wall Walks
20 Double Unders or Singles
10 Double KB push press
25 foot walk with kb overhead.

Death By Dumbbell Thruster
1st Minute-1 DB Thrusters
2nd Minute-2 DB Thrusters
3rd Minute- 3 DB Thrusters
4-5-6-7-Etc….Until failure
RX-50/35 INT-35/25 BEG-25/20

Think of this like an EMOM you get ONE MINUTE to complete the reps. You go until you NO LONGER can complete the reps within that minute. Example: if you get to the 15th Minute set and only get 14 reps before the minute is up you stop the workout.

When you miss hop on a bike or rower and wait for the Thunder Bros Finisher!

Plate Curls and Gun Walk!

  • Stand tall with feet hip-width apart.
    • Grip the plate like a steering wheel with the hands at opposite sides.


  • Curl the plate towards the face and then lower back to straight arms. Complete 20 reps holding the plate at 90 degrees (“half” curl) on the last rep.
  • Walk 25 ft forward with the plate in an isometric hold.
  • Continue to cycle through 20 curls and 25 ft walk for 2 minutes.
  • Rest 1 minute and repeat for a total of 3 rounds.
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