Warm Up:
4 Rounds:
100m Run or 200m Row
5 PVC Pass Throughs
5 Burpees
5 Pull Ups or Ring Rows
5 Sit Ups

Hang Power Clean
These working sets of 5 should be at a moderate weight. If you know your max Hang Power Clean use around 70%. If you aren’t sure of the number take some warm up sets to get to a weight that you can complete 5 reps without dropping the bar but it is on the “heavier side”

5 Rounds:
50 Double Unders or Singles
10 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups INT- Pull Ups(Any Progression) BEG- Ring Rows
10 Toes-to-bars INT- Progressions BEG- Knee Raises or Sit Ups
10 Ring Dips INT- Banded or Jumping Negatives BEG- Bench Dips
–Coaches Notes–
There are a bunch of technical parts to this workout. They are also movements that you have been working on. If that’s the case start your rounds with the progression above where you typically work and IF you have to switch to your “Normal” progression to finish the set. Keeping proper progression in mind this workout could take as fast as about 12 minutes upwards of around 20.

Optional Accessory Work:
Option 1:
Hollow Rocks or Hollow Hold to Super Man
30-40 Reps

Option 2:
Tricep Extensions
Use either a band or Dumbbells for these

Warm Up:
2 Rounds:
200m Run or Row
10 Sit-Ups
10 Empty Bar Push Press
2 Turkish Get-Ups Each Arm

Bike Calorie
Dumbbell Push Press 50/35 INT-35/25 BEG-25/15
Rest 3 Minutes
Bike Calorie
Dumbbell Push Press 50/35 INT-35/25 BEG-25/15
–Coaches Notes–
Low Rep Counts=SPRINTS!! If the classes are pretty full we will adjust to fit everyone on the bikes, don’t you worry. Like I said before these should be done in mainly unbroken sprinting sets. The DB Push Press needs to be a weight that again even that 12 set should be done unbroken, it isn’t meant to be heavy. Using that 3 minute rest to your advantage best you can both workouts should take anywhere from 5 to under 10 minutes.

Optional Accessory Work:
Option 1:
4x400m Run
Resting 1:1

Option 2:
Farmers Carry
Make. It. Heavy.

Warm Up:
2 Rounds
50 Double Unders or Singles
10 Empty Bar Good Mornings
5 Empty Bar Clean High Pulls
5 Empty Bar Hang Cleans
5 Empty Bar Front Squats

14 Min EoMOM (7 Total Sets)
1 Squat Clean + 2 Front Squat
So every other minute for 14 minutes you’ll go through 1 Squat Clean and then keep it on your shoulders to complete 2 Front Squats. Use around 50-65% of your Clean 1 max for the complex.

Workout: Capped on the hour
“Will Lindsay”
10 Rounds
3 Devils Press 50/35
22 Alternating Dumbbell Lunges 50/35
19 Air Squats
**Vest Optional**
–Coaches Notes–
This workout can be done with or without a vest. A video is posted below if you haven’t done a Devils Press in class yet, if you haven’t tried them yet warm up with lighter dumbbells then get to a comfortable working weight. With the workout being a majority of lower body movements choose a weight that will be something you can move well and keep your working sets at the same rep count. You shouldn’t need to ditch a heavy DB weight mid workout.

Optional Accessory Work:
Option 1:
Chin Ups
If you need to you can use bands for these as well.

Option 2:
Glute Bridges (Video Posted Below)
For these you can use a barbell either from the bench, as shown in the video below, or from the ground. A DB or KB can also be used from the ground.

Warm Up:
4 Rounds:
150m Row or 10 Cal Bike
7 Jumping Air Squats
5 Pull Ups or Ring Rows
5 Knees-to-Elbows or Knee Raises
1 Turkish Get-Up Each Arm

15 Rounds
10 Burpees
1 Rope Climb INT-Rope Progression BEG-3 Low Rope Pulls
–Coaches Notes–
For those burpee lovers out there this is just for you. DO NOT just look at the volume of the burpees, instead try and give yourself a goal with them for each round. Maybe time yourself with them or try to do the same rep counts in your working sets each round. With the rope climb with it only being 1 rep per round try to go with the upper progression for you. Aim to keep the workout at around 10 minutes to under 20 minutes

Optional Accessory Work:
Option 1:
Barbell Bent Over Row (Video Posted)
The load for this should be light enough that you can comfortably go through all 12 reps WITHOUT having to kip the bar to your chest and WITHOUT having to put the bar down.

Option 2:
L-Sit or Plank Hold
Build to 2 Minutes

Warm Up:
2 Rounds:
1 Minute Run-Bike-Row
7 Empty Bar Deadlift
10 Squat Therapy Reps

Strict Press:
Yup 12 Reps. Be smart about your choice of weight for the sets. You want a weight that you can do all 12 reps WITHOUT having to rerack your barbell.

Deadlift 225/155 INT-215/135 BEG-185/115
Dumbbell Thruster 50/35 INT- 35/25 BEG- 25/15
–Coaches Notes–
This should be a fast workout. With both weights for these specific movements being on the lighter side you should be able to keep the working sets at high rep counts. Time wise you should be aiming to stay UNDER 10 minutes so choose appropriate weights for both movements.

Optional Accessory Work:
Option 1:
Single Leg Deadlifts (Video Posted Below)
You can use a barbell or DBs/KBs for these lifts. Keep your core stable and your hips as straight/flat as you can keep them. Try to not turn your torso as you do them. These work stability/balance while they build strength in your hamstrings/glutes.

Option 2:
Weighted Box Step Ups or Lunges
40 Reps
For the weights use either DBs or KBs, ONLY if you are comfortable using weights. The count will be Left-Right=1 (You’re welcome)

1 310 311 312 313 314 539